jakearchibald / idb-keyval

A super-simple-small promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

iffe versions of the library are not requireable

kije opened this issue · comments

This package specifies the "exports" key in it's package.json, which specifies the pattern "./dist/*": "./dist/*/index.js"

However, this prevents the iffe versions (dist/iffe/ and dist/iife-compat/) of the library from being required, since those only have a index-min.js file.

Altough it's rare that one would use those files in the context of a module import (require() or es-module import import ... from 'idb-keyval/dist/iife') there might be cases where someone wants to resolve the path to the file using require.resolve, e.g. to later copy the file to some other location.

So this code won't work:

const idbKeyvalSource = require.resolve(`idb-keyval/dist/iife/index-min.js`);

Typo: it's iife, not iffe