jahead / leveldb-android

LevelDB bindings for Android.

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LevelDB for Android


This is a Java wrapper for the amazing LevelDB by Google.

Currently it does not use Snappy for data compression. (There is really no need for this in Android, i.e. it's unnecessary overhead.)

LevelDB's native log output is tagged: com.github.hf.leveldb:N


Add this to your build.gradle:

repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://dl.bintray.com/stojan/android"

And then this as a dependency:

dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.hf:leveldb:1.19.0@aar'

ProGuard rules:

-keep class com.github.hf.leveldb.** { *; }

If you really want to obfuscate LevelDB, then make sure that the exceptions are not obfuscated since those are used within JNI code and will not be resolved properly at runtime.


Opening, Closing, Putting, Deleting

LevelDB levelDB = LevelDB.open("path/to/leveldb", LevelDB.configure().createIfMissing(true));

levelDB.put("leveldb".getBytes(), "Is awesome!".getBytes());
String value = levelDB.get("leveldb".getBytes());

leveldb.put("magic".getBytes(), new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 });
byte[] magic = levelDB.getBytes("magic".getBytes());

levelDB.close(); // closing is a must!

WriteBatch (a.k.a. Transactions)

LevelDB levelDB = LevelDB.open("path/to/leveldb"); // createIfMissing == true

levelDB.put("sql".getBytes(), "is lovely!".getBytes());

  .put("leveldb".getBytes(), "Is awesome!".getBytes())
  .put("magic".getBytes(), new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 })
  .write(); // commit transaction

levelDB.close(); // closing is a must!

Iteration Over Key-Value Pairs

LevelDB is a key-value store, but it has some nice iteration features.

Every key-value pair inside LevelDB is ordered. Until the comparator wrapper API is finished you can iterate over your LevelDB in the key's lexicographical order.

LevelDB levelDB = LevelDB.open("path/to/leveldb");

Iterator iterator = levelDB.iterator();

for (iterator.seekToFirst(); iterator.isValid(); iterator.next()) {
  byte[] key   = iterator.key();
  byte[] value = iterator.value();

iterator.close(); // closing is a must!

Reverse Iteration

It is somewhat slower than forward iteration.

LevelDB levelDB = LevelDB.open("path/to/leveldb");

Iterator iterator = levelDB.iterator();

for (iterator.seekToLast(); iterator.isValid(); iterator.previous()) {
  String key   = iterator.key();
  String value = iterator.value();

iterator.close(); // closing is a must!

Iterate from a Starting Position

LevelDB levelDB = LevelDB.open("path/to/leveldb");

Iterator iterator = levelDB.iterator();

for (iterator.seek("leveldb".getBytes()); iterator.isValid(); iterator.next()) {
  String key   = iterator.key();
  String value = iterator.value();

iterator.close(); // closing is a must!

This will start from the key leveldb if it exists, or from the one that follows (eg. sql, i.e. l < s).


Snapshots give you a consistent view of the data in the database at a given time.

Here's a simple example demonstrating their use:

LevelDB levelDB = LevelDB.open("path/to/leveldb");

levelDB.put("hello".getBytes(), "world".getBytes());

Snapshot helloWorld = levelDB.obtainSnapshot();

levelDB.put("hello".getBytes(), "brave-new-world".getBytes());

levelDB.get("hello".getBytes(), helloWorld); // == "world"

levelDB.get("hello".getBytes()); // == "brave-new-world"

levelDB.releaseSnapshot(helloWorld); // release the snapshot

levelDB.close(); // snapshots will automatically be released after this

Mock LevelDB

The implementation also supplies a mock LevelDB implementation that is an in-memory equivalent of the native LevelDB. It is meant to be used in testing environments, especially non-Android ones like Robolectric.

There are a few of differences from the native implementation:

  • it is not configurable
  • it does not support properties (as in LevelDB#getProperty())
  • it does not support paths, i.e. always returns :MOCK:

Use it like so:



Project can be build with ndk-bundle and cmake installed from Android Studio SDK Manager.


This wrapper library is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License, same as the code from Google.

See LICENSE.txt for the full Copyright.


LevelDB bindings for Android.



Language:Java 85.2%Language:C++ 13.9%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:CMake 0.5%