jags111 / YetAnotherStableDiffusion

StableDiffusion scripts based on huggingface diffusers.

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Yet Another StableDiffusion Implementation

Stable Diffusion script(s) based on huggingface diffusers. Comes with extra configurability and some bonus features, a single script for accessing every functionality, and example code for a discord bot demonstrating how it can be imported in other scripts.

Recent changes to requirements

  • Now requires scikit-image package to perform color correction during image cycling


Install pytorch (skip when using a pre-existing StableDiffusion-compatible environment)

Get the correct installation for your hardware at https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/.

When installing pytorch with CUDA support, the conda install command will install cudatoolkit as well.

When installing with pip directly (e.g. for non-conda environments), CUDA toolkit may also need to be manually installed. To install CUDA toolkit on your device manually, check https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads.

Install additional dependencies

pip install diffusers==0.2.4 transformers scipy ftfy opencv-python huggingface_hub scikit-image

Most pre-existing StableDiffusion-compatible environments will already have these, save for scikit-image, huggingface_hub and in some cases diffusers.

Install models

Models can either be automatically installed by logging into your huggingface account with a token, or manually installed by downloading them from huggingface yourself.

Option A: Automatic model install via huggingface:

If you have not yet logged into huggingface-cli on your machine, run

huggingface-cli login

and paste a valid read token for your huggingface account (accessible at https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens). Your login should remain stored in your user directory until you log out with the cli, independent of your python environment.

Option B: Manual model install:

  • Log in at https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4/
  • Head to the Files and versions tab, and navigate to stable-diffusion-v1-4/unet
    • Download both config.json and diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
    • place both files in models/stable-diffusion-v1-4/unet
  • Repeat for the VAE model: In the Files and versions tab, navigate to stable-diffusion-v1-4/vae
    • Download both config.json and diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
    • Place the files in models/stable-diffusion-v1-4/vae
  • It is recommended to keep the branch on the default: main instead of switching to fp16. The fp32 weights are larger (3.44GB instead of 1.72GB), but can be loaded for both full precision (fp32) and half precision (fp16) use.
  • Note: The checkpoint files for diffusers are not the same as standard StableDiffusion checkpoint files (e.g. sd-v1-4.ckpt). They can not be copied over.

Usage & Features

  • Features include text-to-image, image-to-image (including cycling), and options for precision/devices to control generation speed and memory usage.
  • prompts, seeds, and other relevant arguments will be stored in PNG metadata by default.
  • For every generated output, an image will be saved in outputs/generated. This can be modified using the global variable OUTPUTS_DIR near the top of generate.py. When multiple images are batched at once, this singular image will be a grid, with the individual images being saved in outputs/generated/individual (or {OUTPUTS_DIR}/individual). Additionally, each generated output will produce a text file in outputs/generated/unpub (or {OUTPUTS_DIR}/unpub) of the same filename, containing the prompt and additional arguments. This can be used for maintaining an external image gallery.
  • The NSFW check is enabled by default, but will only print a warning message and attach a metadata label, leaving the output images untouched. It can also be fully disabled via a commandline flag (see: Additional Flags)
  • Cycling through iterations of image-to-image comes with a mitigation for keeping the color scheme unchanged, preventing effects such as 'magenta shifting'. (-icc, see: Image to image cycling)

text to image

By default, generate.py will run in text-to-image mode. If launched without a prompt, it will enter a prompt input loop until the program is manually terminated. Alternatively a prompt can be specified as a commandline argument:

python generate.py "a painting of a painter painting a painting"

Multiple prompts

  • Multiple prompts can be specified this way, separated by two pipes (||). Any prompts specified this way will be multiplied by the set number of samples (-n or --n-samples). As all prompts and samples are run as a single batch, in parallel, increasing their amount will increase the memory requirement.
  • For batch-processing a list of prompts, prompts can be specified from an input file via -pf/--prompts-file. Each line will be interpreted as one prompt, and prompts will be run sequentially.

Image settings

  • The flags -W/--W and -H/--H specify image resolution in width and height, respectively. Input values which are not divisible by 64 will be truncated to a multiple of 64 automatically.

Diffusion settings

  • -S/--seed will set the image seed. So long as the image size remains the same, keeping the seed should yield "the same image" under a similar prompt, or "a similar composition" under different prompts.
  • -s/--steps will set the amount of diffusion steps performed. Higher values can help increase detail, but will be more computationally expensive.
  • -cs/--scale sets the guidance scale. Increasing this value may make outputs more adherent to the prompt, while decreasing it may increase 'creativity'. The effect of different values will be different depending on the scheduler used.
  • -sc/--scheduler sets the sampling scheduler. Currently, "lms", "pndm" and "ddim" are implemented.
  • -e/--ddim-eta sets the eta (η) parameter when the ddim scheduler is selected. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored. Higher values of eta will increase the amount of additional noise applied during sampling. A value of 0 corresponds to no additional sampling noise.
  • -es/--ddim-eta-seed sets the seed of the sampling noise when a ddim scheduler with eta > 0 is used.

Device settings

  • --unet-full will switch from using a half precision (fp16) UNET to using a full precision (fp32) UNET. This will increase memory usage significantly. See section Precision.
  • --latents-half will switch from using full precision (fp32) latents to using half precision (fp16) latents. The difference in memory usage should be insignificant (<1MB). See section Precision.
  • --diff-device sets the device used for the UNET and diffusion sampling loop. "cuda" by default.
  • --io-device sets the device used for anything outside of the diffusion sampling loop. This will be text encoding and image decoding/encoding. "cpu" by default. Switching this to "cuda" will increase VRAM usage (~7.32GB instead of ~6.45GB in the example shown in section Precision), while only speeding up the (significantly less time intensive!) encode and decode operations before and after the sampling loop.

image to image

When either a starting image (-ii, see below) or the image cycle flag (-ic, see below) are specified, generate.py automatically performs image-to-image generation.

Image to image flags

  • -ii/--init-image specifies the path to a starting image file. The image will automatically be scaled to the requested image size (-H/-W) before image-to-image is performed.
  • -st/--strength specifies the 'strength' setting of image-to-image. Values closer to 0 will result in the output being closer to the input image, while values closer to 1 will result in the output being closer to the information of the newly generated image.

Image to image cycling

When applying image-to-image multiple times sequentially (often with a lower strength), the resulting outputs can often be "closer" to the input image, while also achieving a higher "image quality" or "adherence to the prompt". Image-to-image cycling can also be applied without a starting image (the first image in the sequence will be generated via text-to-image) to create interesting effects.

For faster generation cycles, it is recommended to pass the flags --no-check-nsfw (you will not receive warnings about potential NSFW content being detected, see: Additional Flags) and --io-device cuda (VRAM usage will be increased, see: Device settings)

  • -ic/--image-cycles sets the amount of image-to-image cycles that will be performed. An animation (and image grid) will be stored in the /animated folder in the output directory. While running, this mode will attempt to display the current image via cv2. This can be disabled by setting the global variable IMAGE_CYCLE_DISPLAY_CV2=False near the top of generate.py
  • -cni/--cycle-no-save-individual disables the saving of image-to-image cycle frames as individual images when specified.
  • -iz/--image-zoom sets the amount of zoom applied between image-to-image steps. The value specifies the amount of pixels cropped per side. Disabled with a value of 0 by default.
  • -ir/--image-rotate sets the amount of degrees of (counter-clockwise) rotation applied between image-to-image steps. Disabled with a value of 0 by default.
  • -it/--image-translate sets the amount of translation applied to the image between image-to-image steps. This requires two values to be specified for the x and y axis translation respectively. Disabled with a value of None by default.
  • -irc/--image-rotation-center sets the position of the rotational axis within the image in pixel coordinates, if rotations are applied. Requires two values for both x and y coordinates, with the origin 0,0 being the top left corner of the image. By default, this automatically selects the center of the image with a value of None.
  • -ics/--image-cycle-sharpen sets the strength of the sharpening filter applied when zooming and/or rotating during image-to-image cycling. This filter is only applied to image inputs before the next cycle, not to stored image outputs. This can help preserve image sharpness, as the resampling applied when zooming or rotating will soften or blur the image. Values greater than 1.0 will increase sharpness, while values between 1.0 and 0.0 will soften the image. Default is 1.2.
  • -icc/--image-color-correction Enables color correction for image to image cycling: Cumulative density functions of each image channel within the LAB colorspace are respaced to match the density distributions present in the initial (first) image. Prevents 'magenta shifting' (and similar effects) with multiple cycles.

Additional flags

  • --no-check-nsfw disables the NSFW check entirely, which slightly speeds up the generation process. By default, generate.py will only display a warning and attach an extra tag in image metadata if potential NSFW concepts are detected.
  • --animate will store any intermediate (unfinished) latents during the sampling process in CPU memory. After sampling has concluded, an animation (and image grid) will be created in the /animated folder in the output directory
  • -in/--interpolate-latents accepts two image paths for retrieving and interpolating latents from the images. This will only work for images of the same size which have had their latents stored in metadata (generate.py does this by default, as it will only increase image size by 50-100kB). While the interpolation occurs in the latent space (after which the VAE is applied to decode individual images), results will likely not differ from crossfading the images in image space directly. Results are saved like in --animate.


When switching the precision of either the unet or the latents between full (fp32) and half (fp16), there will be a small difference in outputs.

Switching from a half precision UNET to a full precision UNET will significantly increase the amount of memory required: ~9.15GB instead of ~6.45GB (overall usage) in the example shown below. Switching from full precision latents to half precision latents should only reduce the memory usage by less than a megabyte.

The following examples all use the prompt "test one two" with a fixed seed of -S 1. The results are (in order):

  • half(fp16) UNET and full(fp32) latents [default]
  • half(fp16) UNET and half(fp16) latents [--latents-half]
  • full(fp32) UNET and full(fp32) latents [--unet-full]

Visualization of the difference between outputs in this example (highlighting of pixels where the differences are greater than a 1% fuzz threshold):

  • half(fp16) latents compared to full(fp32) latents (with UNET at half(fp16) precision)
  • half(fp16) UNET compared to full(fp32) UNET (with latents at full(fp32) precision)

Discord bot

The included discord bot script is provided AS IS. It is primarily intended to serve as an example, or as a starting point for custom bot scripts.

  • discord_bot.py contains an example of a discord bot script, which imports functions from generate.py to perform both image-to-image and text-to-image generation. This example bot is not recommended for use outside of trusted, private servers in channels marked as NSFW.
  • Outputs flagged as potentially NSFW will be sent as spoilers, however, this will likely not make them exempt from any content filters or rules.
  • This script uses two threads, one for the discord bot itself, and one for running StableDiffusion. They communicate via queues of pending and completed tasks.
  • Some basic settings (saving outputs to disk, precision, devices, command prefix) can be set using global variables at the top of the script.
  • Available commands are specified via discord slash commands. The pre-existing commands serve as a starting point for creating optimal commands for your use-case.
  • The bot utilizes the automatic switching to image-to-image present in generate.py. When a valid image attachment is present, it be utilized as the input for image-to-image.
  • In case of an error, the bot should respond with an error message, and should continue to function.


In addition to the dependencies used for generate.py (see Installation), the bot script requires py-cord, a fork and continuation of discord.py. It can be installed via:

pip install -U py-cord

If discord.py is already installed in the environment, it will need to first be uninstalled before installing py-cord (both use the same discord namespace):

pip uninstall discord.py
pip install py-cord


  • Set the bot token in bot_token.py.
  • Start discord_bot.py. The bot should now be accessible to anyone with access to whichever channels the bot is present in.
  • The bot includes the following example commands (using discord slash commands):
    • /square <text prompt> <Image attachment> generates a default image with 512x512 resolution. Accepts an optional image attachment for performing image-to-image
    • /portrait <text prompt> <Image attachment> (shortcut for 512x768 resolution images)
    • /landscape <text prompt> <Image attachment>" (shortcut for 768x512 resolution images)
    • /advanced <text prompt> <width> <height> <seed> <guidance_scale> <steps> <ddim_eta> <eta_seed> <img2img_strength> <Image attachment> <amount>
      • Width and height are specified as multiples of 64, offset from 512x512. A width of 3 and height of -2 will result in an image which is 512+64*3 = 704 pixels wide and 512-64*2 = 384 pixels high
      • If seeds are set to a value below 0, the seed is randomized. The randomly picked seed will be returned in the image response.
      • if eta is set to a value greater than 0, the scheduler automatically switches to ddim. Otherwise, pndm is used.
      • Unless a source image is attached, img2img_strength is ignored.
      • Steps are limited to 150 by default.
  • All commands come with a short documentation of their available parameters.


  • For more information about Stable Diffusion and the Huggingface Diffusers Implementation, including the license, limitations, and capabilities of the systems utilized, check out the respective links.
  • Text to image and image to image implementations are derived from the huggingface pipeline implementations.


StableDiffusion scripts based on huggingface diffusers.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%