jagi / meteor-astronomy

Model layer for Meteor

Home Page:https://atmospherejs.com/jagi/astronomy

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Method "Astronomy/execute" not found 404

ashlite opened this issue · comments

So I have a DB schema build using astronomy in my meteor webapp.
Then I extend it in my server/gameHandle.js to add a method to my db.

import {Game} from '../imports/db/game'
import {DDP} from 'meteor/ddp-client'

  meteorMethods: {
      const invocation = DDP._CurrentInvocation.get()
      this.namaGame = judul
      this.creator = invocation.userId
      this.createdAt = new Date()
      return this.save()

But when I try to call it in my component, it throw error that astronomy/excute not found.
Here are the code in my component

import {Game} from '../../../db/game'

export function xxxx.....{
  const [judul, setJudul] = useState('')
  const [hasil, setHasil] = useState(null)
  const AddGame = new Game()
  const handleSubmit = (e) => {
    AddGame.callMethod('AddNewGame', judul, (err, result) => {
      result ? setHasil(result) : setHasil(err.message) 

Is there any wrong in my code? I am following the astronomy docs. Googling it but there is no problem about astronomy/excute not found

This is my latest repo https://github.com/ashlite/back-chamber

This error might appear when you didn't import Astronomy on both client and server. You have to make sure that it's imported. You might even do import { Class } from 'meteor/jagi:astronomy'; in your main file in both client and server to make sure that everything is loaded. And the error should go away. Let me know if it works

I tried to import import {Class} from 'meteor/jagi:astronomy' even tried using import 'meteor/jagi:astronomy'. In every js file in server, client main jsx, app jsx and my jsx component that use the class mentioned.

Still have the same error.

Tried removing and re-adding package still have the same issues.

Owh okay finally fix the problem.
Based on https://guide.meteor.com/structure.html#startup-files. I need to import my db file directly import 'imports/db/game' to main js file in server instead of Importing meteor/jagi:astronomy. The better way of course implementing the guide above by making extra js file for "startups".