jaeyp / markdown

Markdown syntax manual for GitHub

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple markdown syntax manual

0. Two spaces at the end of a line create a line break


1. Headings & Emphasis

1-1. Headings

# this is h1
## this is h2
### this is h3
#### this is h4
##### this is h5
###### this is h6

this is h1

this is h2

this is h3

this is h4

this is h5
this is h6

1-2. Emphasis

Emphasis, aka italics, with *asterisks* or _underscores_.
Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__.
Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.
Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~

Emphasis, aka italics, with asterisks or underscores.

Strong emphasis, aka bold, with asterisks or underscores.

Combined emphasis with asterisks and underscores.

Strikethrough uses two tildes. Scratch this.

2. Horizontal Lines

Three or more...







Three or more...




3. Code

3-1. Code & Code block

`This is code`

This is code

This is a piece of code  
in a block  
This is a piece of code
in a block
This too  
This too

3-2. Syntax Highlighting

/* CSS syntax highlighting */
#button {
  border: none; 
/* CSS syntax highlighting */
#button {
  border: none;
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
s = "Python syntax highlighting"
s = "Python syntax highlighting"

4. List

Use 2 tabs or 3 spaces for sublist

4-1. Bullet List

* item
  * item
    * item
+ item
  + item
    + item
- item
  - item
    - item
* item
  - item
    + item
  • item
    • item
      • item

4-2. Numbered List

1. item  
1-1. item  
2. item  
2-1. item  
2-2. item  

1. item
2. item
   1. item
   2. item
3. item
   1. item
      1. item
  1. item
    1-1. item

  2. item
    2-1. item
    2-2. item

  3. item

  4. item

    1. item
    2. item
  5. item

    1. item
      1. item

4-3. Mixed List

1. item
    1. item
        - item
* item
    - item
        1. item
  1. item
    1. item
      • item
  • item
    • item
      1. item

5. BlockQuote

> Quoted text
>> Quoted quote (Nested BlockQuote)
>>>>>>>>>> Quoted quote2 (Nested BlockQuote)
> * Quoted
> * List  
> `Quoted Code`

Quoted text

Quoted quote (Nested BlockQuote)

Quoted quote2 (Nested BlockQuote)

  • Quoted
  • List
    Quoted Code

6. Links & Images

6-1. Links

[inline link](https://www.google.com)  
[inline link with tooltip on mouse over](https://www.google.com "Google's Homepage")  
[reference link][case-insensitive reference]  
[reference link with number][1]  
Or use the [reference link text itself].  

[case-insensitive reference]: https://www.mozilla.org  
[1]: http://slashdot.org  
[reference link text itself]: http://www.reddit.com  

inline link
inline link with tooltip on mouse over
reference link
reference link with number
Or use the reference link text itself.

6-2. Images

inline image link:
![alt text here](https://github.com/jaeyp/markdown/blob/master/git.png "Logo Orange")

inline image link with relative path:
![alt text here](./git.png "Logo Orange with relative path")

reference image link:
![alt text here][logo]

[logo]: https://github.com/jaeyp/markdown/blob/master/git.png "Logo Orange 2"

inline image link: alt text here

inline image link with relative path: alt text here

reference image link: alt text here

7. Table

Colons can be used to align columns.

| Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |

There must be at least 3 dashes separating each header cell.
The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the 
raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.

Markdown | Less | Pretty
--- | --- | ---
*Still* | `renders` | **nicely**
1 | 2 | 3

Colons can be used to align columns.

Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1

There must be at least 3 dashes separating each header cell. The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.

Markdown Less Pretty
Still renders nicely
1 2 3

8. inline HTML

You can also use raw HTML in your Markdown, and it'll mostly work pretty well.

  <dt>Definition list</dt>
  <dd>Is something people use sometimes.</dd>

  <dt>Markdown in HTML</dt>
  <dd>Does *not* work **very** well. Use HTML <em>tags</em>.</dd>
Definition list
Is something people use sometimes.
Markdown in HTML
Does *not* work **very** well. Use HTML tags.

9. References

Markdown quick reference cheat sheet: https://en.support.wordpress.com/markdown-quick-reference/
Markdown Cheatsheet: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet


Markdown syntax manual for GitHub

License:Apache License 2.0