jaegertracing / jaeger

CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform

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[Feature]: can we upgrade the base image of jaeger-query?

kevincantu opened this issue · comments


Patches for all the thingsss.


I see jaegertracing/jaeger-query:latest is still based on Alpine 3.16.9, and 3.16 is about to be EOL (ref).


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Instead of doing this manually, we should have dependabot do the upgrades automatically. However, I see that the image version is currently hardcoded in the Makefile, which dependabot probably won't be able to handle. it would be great to find a way to keep the version defined directly in some Dockerfile.

$ grx alpine .
./docker/Makefile:2:ROOT_IMAGE ?= alpine:3.16
./docker/Makefile:4:GOLANG_IMAGE := golang:1.22-alpine
./docker/Makefile:7:BASE_IMAGE ?= $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/baseimg_alpine:latest
./docker/Makefile:8:DEBUG_IMAGE ?= $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/debugimg_alpine:latest
./scripts/build-upload-a-docker-image.sh:19:		base_debug_img_arg="--build-arg base_image=localhost:5000/baseimg_alpine:latest --build-arg debug_image=localhost:5000/debugimg_alpine:latest "

dependabot is now upgrading alpine: #5469 🎉