jacoscaz / quadstore

A LevelDB-backed graph database for JS runtimes (Node.js, Deno, browsers, ...) supporting SPARQL queries and the RDF/JS interface.

Home Page:https://github.com/jacoscaz/quadstore

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Debug issues when running in bun

jacoscaz opened this issue · comments

Bun is a new JS runtime based on JavaScriptCore as opposed to Node's / Deno's V8 (https://bun.sh) . With the release of quadstore-comunica@3.0.2, both quadstore and quadstore-comunica seem to compile and load fine but results vary based on the number of either returned items or processed items:

  • with the query-all.js perf test things break when loading more than exactly 25 quads into the store
  • with the read.js perf test things apparently start breaking at roughly 2000 quads loaded into the store, in an occasional and apparently non-deterministic manner.

Note to self: run tests with MEMORY=1 so that MemoryLevel is used as Bun breaks when loading ClassicLevel:

MEMORY=1 bun run dist/read.js

Bun version is 0.1.10.

As of Bun 0.5.7 and quadstore 12.0.0-alpha.2 both the read.js and query-all.js tests are working! classic-level still breaks, so both tests can only be run with MEMORY=1 to force the use of memory-level, but quadstore per-se appears to work well. Closing!