jacoscaz / quadstore

A LevelDB-backed graph database for JS runtimes (Node.js, Deno, browsers, ...) supporting SPARQL queries and the RDF/JS interface.

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Dev dependency required to actor-init-sparql

gsvarovsky opened this issue · comments

Working in Typescript, I had to add a devDependency to @comunica/actor-init-sparql so that the typings for Comunica are available and the project compiles.

This is a dev dependency only because node-quadstore-comunica bundles the Comunica code.

I think the best way to address this is to include the relevant typings within quadstore-comunica by either copying them or crafting them by hand.

Any other solution I was able to come up with would result in having the entire comunica framework as a dependency of quadstore, much as you're experiencing right now, and I feel that would not be a healthy direction.

@gsvarovsky could you test this with quadstore@7.1.0-beta.0, which I've just released to NPM with the beta tag?

Fixed in quadstore@7.1.0-beta.1