jacopotediosi / Octoprint-PrusaResetMode

A simple plugin to prevent your Prusa printer (MK2, MK2S, MK3, MK3S, MK3S+) from resetting when OctoPrint connects

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Plugin doesn't seem to work on my system

ulfertg opened this issue · comments

First of all: Thank you for your work, I like the idea behind the plugin.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but it doesn't seem to work on my system.
I can see the commands in Terminal, but I can't see any response (screenshot).
I also don't see any change in behaviour, a reconnect still resets the printer.

Octoprint 1.10.0rc4
Prusa MK3S+ (It's been an early MK3 when I bought it, I've upgraded it later. It has an earlier version of the Einsy Board than most MK3)

Please let me know if there is anything I could do to help troubleshooting.

Thank you for looking into it!

Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 10 57 28

The button to read the firmware version of the Atmega 32U2 doesn't work either?
It would be interesting to understand what Einsy Board you have. Maybe there is a version number written on the motherboard? Could it be a Mini Rambo instead of an Einsy Rambo?

Well, the button works in regard that something happens in terminal, but there is no response I can see.
The Board is reported as Einsy 10a by the printer.

Yea i got the same problem. Its still reseting.

I use a Mk3+ with Octoprint 1.9.3, OctoPi 1.0.0

I got no outputs in the Terminal. Only this: Send: ;C32u2_RMD