jacopoantonello / zernike

Python code for Zernike polynomials

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ang in make_pol_grid is a float and doesn't have reshape method

RichardPflaum opened this issue · comments

Hi, I just cloned this and am trying to understand the module, but my Linter is complaining:
The line ang = self.angular(k, theta_i).reshape((L, 1), order='F') in the method make_pol_grid seems to be wrong, since self.angular returns a float.

Sorry, nevermind this must be a Pylint issue.

The issue is caused by the angular method in the baseclass. This can be fixed using ABCMeta as metaclass for Zern and using the @abstractmethod decorator for angular instead of simply returning 0.

Hi. Could you please check whether a1d85c3 fixes this problem? My linter didn't show any warning, so I can't reproduce this. Thank you.

Yes that does it. Thanks!