jacob-ebey / jacob-thoughts

Maybe my new blog / portfolio site?

Home Page:https://jacobebey.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to Remix!

Fly Setup

  1. Install flyctl

  2. Sign up and log in to Fly

flyctl auth signup
  1. Create Fly application. We don't want to deploy yet as we have to add volumes for SQLite.
flyctl launch --region ord --no-deploy
  1. Add volumes to your app in two regions
flyctl volumes create --region ord --size 1 data
flyctl volumes create --region hkg --size 1 data
  1. Scale your app to match the number of volumes you have added
flyctl scale count 2
  1. Deploy your app from the CLI the first time
flyctl deploy --remote-only


From your terminal:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


If you've followed the setup instructions already, all you need to do is run this:

npm run deploy

You can run flyctl info to get the url and ip address of your server.

Check out the fly docs for more information.


Maybe my new blog / portfolio site?



Language:TypeScript 82.5%Language:CSS 7.3%Language:Dockerfile 6.8%Language:JavaScript 2.5%Language:Shell 0.9%