jackyon / sscom

Generate screenshot of component automatically

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Screenshot Components

> Generate screenshot of react component automatically.

alt tag


this version still in beta, I wrote this tool base on the structure like this: ``` ├── /app/ │ ├── /components/ # Generic React Components (generally Dumb components) │ ├── /containers/ # Components that provide context (e.g. Redux Provider) │ ├── /routes/ # Application route definitions │ ├── ... # other folders|files ``` you can found more structure details on: https://github.com/jackyon/react-redux-boilerplate

Packages Install

``` $ npm install phantomjs -g $ npm install casperjs -g $ npm install sscom ```


``` Usage: sscom -h, --help More usage and help infos -v, --version Version number ```


``` - 截图URL: 完整链接, 必填, 如 "" - 项目路径: 完整路径, 选填, 默认为当前目录, 自定义目录需填写完整路径,如"/Users/jackyon/Desktop/react/" - 组件路径: 相对路径, 选填, 默认为 "app/components/" - 容器路径: 相对路径, 选填, 默认为 "app/containers/" - 路由路径: 相对路径, 选填, 默认为 "app/routes/" - 是否需要登录: 选填 Y/N, 默认为 N


  • 登录页面Url: 必填
  • 账号: 必填
  • 密码: 必填
  • 账号Input的name值: 选填, 默认为 username
  • 密码Input的name值: 选填, 默认为password
  • 提交按钮 className 或 id: 必填, 如 ".submit_button"

回车Enter键 或 "N"键 跳过选填项


Generate screenshot of component automatically


Language:JavaScript 100.0%