jackschaedler / goya

Pixel art editor built on Clojurescript + Om

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Missing features in Firefox?

miketaylr opened this issue · comments

According to your demo, Firefox Nightly is missing some features required to play with it. Are those documented anywhere? https://github.com/jackschaedler/goya/blob/gh-pages/browser-check.js doesn't give many clues.


If you remove the check, the basic features work. There are a few things I noticed, though:

  • the background of the center area (not the image itself) is white, not grey
  • the color picker doesn't work (in Firefox 28, works in Nightly)
  • it seems to be slower

Yeah, as you rightly say this needs to be documented and sorted out. I put the blocker in because it looked like Chrome was the only browser currently supporting the color input type. Others have suggested just showing a banner somewhere on screen saying that only Chrome has been tested. Might look into that this weekend.

You can check https://miketaylr.com/code/html5-forms-ui-support.html for color input type support. Or http://caniuse.com/#feat=input-color for a quicker glance. But basically Chrome, Opera, and Firefox (and a handful of mobile browsers) all support this now.

WebKit Nightly also supports it.

Thanks for the help guys!

I've just merged an update which explicitly checks for color input support instead of having the stupid chrome-only check. I've tested with Firefox, Opera, and Chrome. Everything seems to work fine from my end. I did not check with WebKit, because I'm still on OSX 10.7 and I can't even run the nightly on my machine.

If the user has a browser which is not supported, they are directed to download one of the three mentioned above with relevant links.

Sorry about the original issue. I really don't want people to think badly of Clojurescript because of something silly like this.

I've also updated some of the CSS which was too Chrome-specific (i.e fixed the white background amongst some other quirks).

Great, thanks!
On Apr 20, 2014 10:46 AM, "Jack Schaedler" notifications@github.com wrote:

Closed #1 #1.

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