jackmott / LinqFaster

Linq-like extension functions for Arrays, Span<T>, and List<T> that are faster and allocate less.

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[Bug] Span SumF is slower than a for loop over a span

Smurf-IV opened this issue · comments


    public int IntSpanESumLinq()
        int val = 0;
        foreach (int i in intArray.AsSpan())
            val += i;
        return val;

    public int IntSpanFSumLinq()
        int val = 0;
        Span<int> span = intArray.AsSpan();
        for (int index = 0; index < span.Length; index++)
            val += span[index];

        return val;

    public int IntSpanSumFast()
        return intArray.AsSpan().SumF();


    public int IntSpanSumFor()
        int val = 0;
        Span<int> span = intArray.AsSpan();
        for (int index = 0; index < span.Length; index++)
            val += span[index];

        return val;

    public int IntSpanSumFast()
        return intArray.AsSpan().SumF();

Via the use of the "Coming out faster" acum = accum + nextVal method

    private static T SumF<P, T>(this P p, Span<T> source)
        where P : INumericPolicy<T>
        if (source == null)
            throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(source));
        T a = p.Zero();
            for (int index = 0; index < source.Length; index++)
                a = p.Add(a, source[index]);
       return a;