jackmellis / vuenit

Vue Unit Test Helpers for server-side testing of client-side code

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Vue Unit Test Helpers

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Vuenit is a testing utility that offers a number of useful methods to make testing Vue applications easier:

  • Easily mount Vue components
  • Test directives
  • Search the DOM for component instances
  • Inject dependencies into components
  • Test slots
  • Update data and props on the fly
  • Shallow rendering
  • Mocked versions of Vuex, Vue-Router, and a $http module to make testing with dependencies easier
npm install vuenit --save-dev
import {mount, mockRouter, mockHttp, mockStore} from 'vuenit';
import c from 'path/to/component';

const {$router} = mockRouter();
const $http = mockHttp();
const $store = mockStore();

const options = {
  inject : { $router, $http, $store },
  props : { userId : 'x4' },
  stubComponents : true

const vm = mount(c, options);

Vuenit has a huge array of configuration options for different testing scenarios. For full documentation, see https://jackmellis.gitbooks.io/vuenit/content


Vue Unit Test Helpers for server-side testing of client-side code


Language:JavaScript 100.0%