jackc / tern

The SQL Fan's Migrator

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Ignored `port` from config in Windows

inaneverb opened this issue · comments

Windows 11 Pro N, 21H2
Tern: 1.12.5
PostgreSQL 13.4 in Docker for Windows.
Docker uses WSL2 as a backend.
WSL OS: Fedora Server 34.
Port mapping in docker enabled: 5432 container -> 5431 host.

I built two different binaries: for unix:amd/64, windows:amd/64.
If I run an unix's binary it's OK. It can connect, do necessary work, etc.
If I run window's binary I getting an error "Failed to connect" and I see a default pg port: 5432, not those which is specified in config.


iyuryevich@ElevenStation ~/Development/___/migrations/ru (master+*?) $ tern.exe status
Unable to connect to PostgreSQL:
  failed to connect to `host= user=test1 database=test_dev_01`: dial error (dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)
iyuryevich@ElevenStation ~/Development/___/migrations/ru (master+*?) $ tern status
status:   up to date
version:  4 of 4
database: test_dev_01
iyuryevich@ElevenStation ~/Development/___/migrations/ru (master+*?) $ tern.exe version
tern v1.12.5
iyuryevich@ElevenStation ~/Development/___/migrations/ru (master+*?) $ tern version
tern v1.12.5
iyuryevich@ElevenStation ~/Development/___/migrations/ru (master+*?) $


host =
port = 5431
database = test_dev_01
user = test1
password = root
version_table = schema_version

That's very strange. I don't have convenient access to test this on Windows, but I don't see what could be different between *nix and Windows here.