j0be / PowerDeleteSuite

Power Delete Suite for Reddit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add pushshift.io search

dmarx opened this issue · comments

/u/stuck_in_the_matrix has built a dataset of public comments which is searchable via an API. In addition to the current comment search methodology, you should add pulling comments from his database. It won't capture comments in private subs, but it will pull down all other comments (until he stops scraping them or supporting the API)

Example query: https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/comment/search/?author=j0be&limit=1

Limited API documentation: https://www.reddit.com/r/pushshift/comments/5gawot/pushshift_reddit_api_v20_documentation_use_this/

Interesting. I'm guessing it still tracks deleted comments, but I can try to figure that out. Thanks for the tip.

I'll probably make this an option in the end for people to enable rather than have it make calls to an external service that isn't on reddit.