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Repo for tools to calculate landscape metrics in Google Earth Engine

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LandSCaPeN v0.2, September 18, 2019

A toolbox to analyze and visualize landscape structure, composition, process, and networks in Google Earth Engine. Please cite as: DM Theobald. 2019. LandSCaPeN v0.2: A Google Earth Engine toolbox to analyze and visualize landscape structure, composition, process, and networks. www.davidmtheobald.com. The tools are organized into landscape composition, structure, process, networks, utilities, and visualization. To call LandSCaPeN functions, first load the module into your script through the require() function, and then call the function using lse. For example:

var lse = require('users/DavidTheobald8/modules:lse')

Technical notes:

  • parameters to functions must be in proper order and dictionary format (using {}) is not supported.

Composition functions

lse.compositionFC(fc, propertyClass, propertyValue, propertyWeight)

Summarizes an attribute (propertyValue) for features from a Feature Collection using a property (propertyClass) that contains nominal/class data.

  • fc: feature collection with polygons, ee.FeatureCollection()
  • propertyClass: name of the "class" property in fc to summarize on, ee.String()
  • propertyValue: name of the "value" property in fc that describes the values to summarize. Must contain numerical values, ee.String()
  • propertyWeight: name of the property in fc used to calculate weighted statistics. Defaults to the propertyValue. Must contain numerical values, ee.String()
  • returns: a feature collection with summarized statistics for each unique value in propertyClass to Export.table.toDrive.

Note: when quantifying a summary measure of patch size, it is recommended to use the "meanWeighted" statistic, which is known as Weighted Mean Patch Size (Li and Archer 1997) Also, compositional statistics are also known as Patch Richness and Class Area Proportion Leitao et al. (2006).

lse.compositionImage(image, resolution, region)

Calculates the area of classes for an image (raster), assuming nominal/class image values. These are also known as Class Area Proportion and Patch Richness (Leitao et al. 2006). Future plans to include summarizes of patches in each class.

  • image: image with integer values representing nominal values, type = ee.Image()
  • resolution: size of cells in meters used for sampling image, type ee.Number()
  • region: area to calculate, type ee.Geometry()
  • returns: a feature collection with summarized statistics for each class for Export.table.toDrive, ee.FeatureCollection().

lse.uniqueValues(fc, property)

Summarizes a feature collection and provides a list of the unique values for a given property.

  • fc: ee.FeatureCollection(), the feature collection with >0 features to summarize.
  • property: ee.String(), the property (aka field) contained in the FeatureCollection with either integer or string values.
  • returns a list of the unique values in a given property, type ee.List().

Structural functions

lse.landscapeMosaic(landCover, lstRemap, radius)

Calculates and visualizes the landscape mosaic, as described by Riitters et al. (2009) Note that water is considered as null.

  • landCover: the desired land cover dataset
  • lstFrom, a list with classes from the raw land cover map, ee.List()
  • lstTo, a list with classes from the raw land cover map, ee.List()
    • For example, for NLCD: var lstFrom = [11,12,21,22,23,24,31,41,42,43,52,71,81,82,90,95]
    •                    var lstTo =   [ 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3]
  • radius: the radius of moving window in meters, type ee.Number()
  • returns mosaic image and draws the landscape mosaic in the map window.

lse.landscapeSignature(patches, resolution, maxDistance, geometry)

This function characterizes the structure within patches as well as between patches (landscape level), following Theobald (2003)

  • habitat: a binary representation of habitat (0=matrix, >0 is "patch"), type: ee.Image()
  • resolution: the size of pixels in meters, ee.Number()
  • maxDistance: the maximum distance to calculate distance from the nearest patch, ee.Number()
  • AOI: user-defined area of interest summarized by histogram, type: ee.Geometry() returns: image with distance into patch ("core") and away from (into "matrix")'
  • Note: this is similar to "GISFrag" metric: Ripple et al. (1991).

Process functions

lse.connectivityResistantKernel(fc, resistance, resolution, maxDistance, tileScale)

Calculates landscape connectivity using "kernels" (typically regularly-spaced) calculated using cost-distance across a resistance surface. Compton et al. (2007)

  • fc: the locations (usually points) to center kernels. ee.FeatureCollection()
  • resistance: resistance surface used to calculate cost-distance; ee.Image()
  • resolution: the resolution of output image in meters; ee.Number()
  • maxDistance: the maximum Euclidean distance (meters) used to calculate cost-distance; ee.Number(). NOTE: to calculate the dispersal
  • kernel, the distance at which the dispersal probability is set to 1% chance at the maxDistance,
  • but applied to the ecological (cumulative cost) distance (e.g., 1% chance of reaching 100 km, theta=0.0000461).
  • Therefore, the resulting dispersal probabilities need to be interpreted carefully, and typical in relative terms,
  • because the dispersal kernel is applied to cost-distance units.
  • tileScale: typically a value of 1 (nominal scale), but use 2 or 4 if computational limits; ee.Number()
  • returns connectivity image named "DispersalMean", ee.Image().

lse.connectivityWatersheds(values, lstFCs, statistic, resolution)

Estimates up and downstream connectivity by calculating a statistic on values that are within each watershed, at multiple hierarchical watershed levels.

  • values: image with values to summarize by watershed, ee.Image().
  • lstFCs: a list of the Feature Collections that contain watersheds at different levels, ee.List().
  • statistic: ee.String(), supported: 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'mode', 'stdDev', 'sum'. Defaults to 'mean'.
  • resolution: ee.Number()

Utility functions

lse.valuesToRanks(values, extent, resolution, start, end, increment)

Converts values in an image to the rank order.

  • values: an image with continuous (real) values to be ranked, ee.Image()
  • extent: geographic extent to analyze, ee.String().
  • resolution: width of a pixel, in meters. ee.Number()

lse.summarizeZones(values, zones, lstStatistics, resolution, extent)

Summarizes the values from an image (values) within zones specified by a FeatureCollection. Each statistic in the lstStatistics is calculated for each zone at the resolution specified. values = ee.Image() zones = the zones or regions used to summarize over. Can be either ee.FeatureCollection() or ee.Image() lstStatistics = ee.List() of strings that can include: 'deciles', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'percentiles','quartiles', 'skew', 'stdDev', 'sum', 'variance' resolution = ee.Number() extent = ee.Geometry() returns ee.FeatureCollection()


lst = list of asset Ids to be deleted returns null


lst = list of asset Ids to be ingested returns null

lse.getListOfAssets(folder, match, type)

folder = asset folder to get list. Do not include finishing '/'. ee.String() match = string of characters to match in the list of assetIds. ee.String() type = type of asset, either: "Table" or "Image". ee.String() returns ee.List()

lse.chili(fc, dem, resolution, dayOfYearStart, dayOfYearEnd)

Calculates the Continuous Heat-Insolation Load Index for pixels specified by fc using elevation data from dem at the specified resolution. A range of CHILI values will be provided, from dayOfYearStart to dayOfYearEnd. Not implemented yet fc = ee.FeatureCollection() dem = ee.Image() resolution = ee.Number() dayOfYearStart = ee.Number(), Julian day from 0 to 365, will wrap the year's end if needed. dayOfYearEnd = ee.Number(), Julian day from 0 to 365, will wrap the year's end if needed. returns ee.FeatureCollection

lse.snapImage(resolutionMeters, extent)

This function returns parameters for input into Export.image() used to snap an image to a common origin, and calculates an integer number of pixels for the specified extent and resolution (following Matt Hancher's example) Assumes WGS84 ('EPSG:4326') coordinates.

  • resolutionMeters: the approximate meters of a cell width at the equator such that the image tiling fits perfectly within the extent. ee.Number()
  • extent: If 'global' then extent is set so top left is [-180, 80] and bottom right is [180,-80].
  • If 'CONUS' then extent is for conterminous US that nestles in a global raster of the same resolution, where top left = [] and bottom right = []
  • image: image with integer values representing nominal values, type = ee.Image()
  • returns ee.List(numbers): the adjusted pixelsPerDegree and degreesPerPixel, the origin's western longitude and northern latitude, the ++ image dimensions in number of pixels (width, height), and approximated meters per pixel.

lse.imageSampling(resolution, spacing)

Returns an image with samples of size resolution meters spaced every 1/intensity pixels Assumes WGS84 ('EPSG:4326') coordinates.

  • resolution: the approximate meters of a cell width at the equator, ee.Number()
  • intensity: samples every Nth pixel, ee.Number()
  • sampleType: for uniform grid use 'uniform' or 'random' for simple random sample, ee.String()
  • seed: seed for the random number generator (only applies to 'random' type), ee.Number(), integer
  • returns ee.Image(integer), 1=sample locations, 0=background

lse.meters2dd(meters, latitude)

Converts input meters to decimal degrees, at a given latitude.

  • meters: ee.Number(), the scale of pixels in meters (along each side of a pixel)
  • latitude: ee.Number(), the latitude in degrees where the width of a pixel should be measured
  • returns: ee.Number(), the decimal degrees at specified latitude

lse.dd2meters(dd, latitude)

Converts input dd to meters, at a given latitude.

  • dd: ee.Number(), the scale of pixels in decimal degrees (along each side of a pixel)
  • latitude: ee.Number(), the latitude in degrees where the width of a pixel should be measured
  • returns: ee.Number(), the meters at specified latitude


Provides a list of the US state abbreviations in lower case (e.g., Colorado is 'co') +returns: ee.List()


Provides a list of the US state abbreviations in upper case (e.g., Colorado is 'CO')

  • returns: ee.List()


Provides a list of strings that contain the hydrologic unit codes at the 2nd code level (e.g., upper Colorado River basin is '14')

  • returns: ee.List()

Visualization functions

lse.colorPalette(name, numClasses)

Provides a color palette based on popular color ramp schemes.

lse.visualizeNodes(nodes, sizeProperty, colorProperty, lstPtSizes, lstPtSizeBreaks, color)

Display circles centered at nodes with radius in cells calculated as sizeProperty with lstPtSizeBreaks applied to the size property, displayed using circles of lstPtSizes.

  • nodes: ee.FeatureCollection()
  • sizeProperty: ee.String(), property that contains a numerical value.
  • lstPtSizes: ee.List(), list of integers indicating point sizes associated with class breaks.
  • lstPtSizeBreaks: ee.List(), list of values applied to sizeProperty to see with class a feature is in.
  • color: ee.String(), name of color (e.g., 'red').
  • returns: null

lse.visualizeFeaturesSize(fc, sizeProperty, lstSizes, lstSizeBreaks, colorProperty, lstColors, lstColorBreaks)

Display edges (lines) with width measured in cells calculated on sizeProperty with lstSizeBreaks applied to the size property, displayed using lstSizes.

  • edges: ee.FeatureCollection()
  • sizeProperty: ee.String(), property that contains a numerical value to specify width.
  • lstSizes: ee.List(), list of integers indicating widths associated with class breaks.
  • lstSizeBreaks: ee.List(), list of values applied to sizeProperty to see which class a feature is in.
  • colorProperty: ee.String(), property that contains a numerical value to specify width.
  • lstColors: ee.List(), list of integers indicating widths associated with class breaks.
  • lstColorBreaks: ee.List(), list of values applied to sizeProperty to see which class a feature is in.
  • returns: null

lse.visualizeFeaturesSize(fc, sizeProperty, lstSizes, lstSizeBreaks, color)

Display edges (lines) with width measured in cells calculated on sizeProperty with lstSizeBreaks applied to the size property, displayed using lstSizes.

  • edges: ee.FeatureCollection()
  • sizeProperty: ee.String(), property that contains a numerical value to specify width.
  • lstSizes: ee.List(), list of integers indicating widths associated with class breaks.
  • lstSizeBreaks: ee.List(), list of values applied to sizeProperty to see which class a feature is in.
  • color: ee.String(), hex color
  • returns: null

lse.visualizeNodesColored(nodes, sizeProperty, colorProperty, lstSizes, lstSizeBreaks, lstColors, lstColorBreaks)

Display circles centered at nodes with radius in cells calculated as sizeProperty with lstPtSizeBreaks applied to the size property, displayed using circles of lstPtSizes.

  • nodes: ee.FeatureCollection()
  • sizeProperty: ee.String(), property that contains a numerical value to specify circle size.
  • colorProperty: ee.String(), property that contains the color value -- assumes ee.Number()
  • lstPtSizes: ee.List(), list of integers indicating point sizes associated with class breaks.
  • lstPtSizeBreaks: ee.List(), list of values applied to sizeProperty to see with class a feature is in.
  • lstColors: ee.List(), contains list of strings, either name of color (e.g., 'red') or hex codes.
  • lstColorBreaks: ee.List(), list of values that specify the classes applied to values in colorProperty
  • returns: null

lse.visualizeTerrain(strDEM, strZenith)

Displays a multi-angled hillshade using a DEM specified by DEM using a zenith angle of the sun specified by strZenity (or degrees aabove the horizon) DEM = ee.String(), 'NED' zenith = ee.Number(), in degrees, ranging from 1 to 90, 45 is default

lse.visualizeTissotsIndicatrix(GGlevel, distanceMeters)

Provides a visual overlay of map scale, shape (conformality), and orientation. Displays circles centered on Global Grid tiles at level GGlevel, with diameter of diameterMeters.

  • returns: null


Repo for tools to calculate landscape metrics in Google Earth Engine