ixartz / Next-js-Boilerplate

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Difficulty Using Template and Running Migrations on Vercel Deploy

Canopix opened this issue · comments


I'm having trouble understanding how to use the provided template, especially when it comes to populating the database and running migrations.


I've successfully deployed my app on Vercel.
I'm unsure about how to execute new migrations during each build on Vercel.

Can someone provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the template to populate the database?
How can I ensure that new migrations are executed during each build on Vercel?
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

@Canopix For the database, the template uses Drizzle ORM. You can find all the information on how to populate and run the migration by looking in the official documentation: https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/quick-start

By default, a new migration is executed before building and deploying to Vercel: https://github.com/ixartz/Next-js-Boilerplate/blob/main/package.json#L6