ivri / slideslive-download

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Install https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/

1.1 Copy slideslive.py into "youtube_dl/extractor/" (replacing the old one)

  1. Install https://github.com/PeterTheOne/slideslive-slides-dl (make sure to fix versioning if you'd like to download EMNLP'20 or later, the links should be like https://d2ygwrecguqg66.cloudfront.net/data/presentations/id/v3/id.xml)

For EMNLP'20 or later you'll need to make fixes in slideslive-slides-dl.py like

file_path = '{0}/v3/{1}.xml'.format(folder_name, video_id)
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        xml_url = '{0}{1}/v3/{1}.xml'.format(base_xml_url, video_id)

ACL'20: https://d2ygwrecguqg66.cloudfront.net/data/presentations/38929870/38929870.xml (XML file containing timestamps for slides)

EMNLP'20: https://d2ygwrecguqg66.cloudfront.net/data/presentations/38939785/v3/38939785.xml

EACL'21: https://d2ygwrecguqg66.cloudfront.net/data/presentations/38954441/v2/38954441.xml

  1. Download the video, e.g.
youtube-dl https://slideslive.com/38929870/
  1. Get slides and their timestamps:
cd slideslive-slides-dl

and run

python3 slideslive-slides-dl.py https://slideslive.com/38929870/

It will create a folder like "38929870-" that contains ffmpeg_concat.txt

  1. Make a slideshow (set the scale so it fits the video size as well):
 ffmpeg -f concat -i 38929870-/ffmpeg_concat.txt -vsync vfr -pix_fmt yuv420p -filter:v scale=1364:1080 slides-out.mp4
  1. Merge the video with the slideshow, e.g.
ffmpeg -i ../SIGMORPHON\ 2020\ Shared\ Task\ 0\ -\ Typologically\ Diverse\ Morphological\ Inflection-434566251.mp4 -i slides-out.mp4 -filter_complex hstack output.mp4

The final video will be in output.mp4



Language:Python 100.0%