ivov / nodebuilder

Build n8n nodes from OpenAPI specs and YAML files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nodebuilder generates duplicate paths

gitcedric opened this issue · comments


Running node builder on the sevDesk API I receive duplicate paths for get and getAll.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Get openAPI Spec from https://my.sevdesk.de/swaggerUI/index.html#/
  2. Run npm run generate
  3. see descriptions folder.

Also noticed other minor flaws, not sure if they are sevDesk specific, like undefined body args for

handleListing.call(this, method, path, BODY, qs);

happy to provide further details or jump on discord etc. for investigation.


Cedric, thank you for your report and the link to the spec.

n8n is currently redesigning node param structure, so this project is temporarily on hold.

Will keep this open and revisit once the redesign is finalized.