iverberk / larasearch

Searchable Eloquent Models

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Deleting a model record with "shouldIndex = false" shows errors

ramsaylee opened this issue · comments


Thanks for this great module, nice job!

I have a model with "use Iverberk\Larasearch\Traits\SearchableTrait;" and "shouldIndex always returns false". When I want to delete a model record, the record is deleted, but it shows some errors related to Elasticsearch like this:

I guess it is related to "index" thing, I reindex this model with a crontab command every 2 minutes, if the record is indexed, the deleting works great while if the record is not indexed, the deleting works just as I descriped above.

The reason why I don't use the "auto-reindex" and make "shouldIndex always returns false" is that I cannot make sure the elasticsearch is always connected, when I make it "auto-index" and the elasticsearch is not connected, my app will be not working anymore. Everything related to the model will not be working(e.g. I have a User model with "use Iverberk\Larasearch\Traits\SearchableTrait;", when the elasticsearch service is down, I cannot even login to my app, so I have to add "shouldIndex always returns false")

Is there any advices for this situation? Thanks a lot!
If you don't understand the description, leave a comment to let me know.

Again, thanks a lot for this great module and your hard work.


I just figured out that the deleting event fired the following method in Larasearch/Observer.php

public function deleted(Model $model)
// Delete corresponding $model document from Elasticsearch
Queue::push('Iverberk\Larasearch\Jobs\DeleteJob', [get_class($model) . ':' . $model->getKey()]);
// Update all related model documents to reflect that $model has been removed
Queue::push('Iverberk\Larasearch\Jobs\ReindexJob', $this->findAffectedModels($model, true));

I have a question here, why does this method not use shouldIndex() as the mothed below:

public function saved(Model $model)
if ($model::$__es_enable && $model->shouldIndex())
Queue::push('Iverberk\Larasearch\Jobs\ReindexJob', $this->findAffectedModels($model));


@ramsaylee seems to me that if a record was deleted it should be removed from the index no matter what ->shouldIndex() results in. Also that related models should be re-indexed so they do no reference a non-existent record regardless.

@pfeiferchristopher Thanks for your kind comment. Got your point.
I will close this issue.