Ivan-Tamayo / continuous-delivery

Continuous deployment examples using Puppet, Jenkins, Maven, Tomcat,...

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Continuous Delivery with Maven, Puppet and Tomcat

Examples of setting up a continuous delivery process using Maven, Tomcat, Puppet, Vagrant, Jenkins, Cucumber and other helpful tools for my talk Continuous Delivery with Maven, Puppet and Tomcat at ApacheCon 2013.

  • Vagrant for VM creation and provisioning

  • librarian-puppet for automatic module installation

  • puppet-rspec for puppet manifest testing

  • Capybara and Cucumber for acceptance tests

    Continuous Integration, with Apache Continuum or Jenkins, can be extended to fully manage deployments and production environments, running in Tomcat for instance, in a full Continuous Delivery cycle using infrastructure-as-code tools like Puppet, allowing to manage multiple servers and their configurations.

This project is a fork of Puppet for Java Developers created for my talk at JavaZone Oslo 2012.


Install all required gems

bundle install

Change the $repo var in mymodules/acme/manifests/tomcat_node.pp to the location of a repository where you can deploy the Maven builds, accessible from the vagrant vms

$repo = 'http://carlos-mbook-pro.local:8000/repository/all/'

Install all Puppet modules with Puppet Librarian

librarian-puppet install

Run the specs with puppet-rspec

bundle exec rake

Start the "production" vms with Vagrant. We assume they are up all the time

vagrant up db tomcat1 www

Continuous integration jobs

Building these jobs in jenkins. Each job triggers the next. The production updates can run in parallel.


Use your repository url instead of localhost.

clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=maestro-archiva::default::http://localhost:8000/repository/appfuse -P h2

appfuse QA

bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec librarian-puppet install
vagrant destroy --force qa
vagrant up qa
bundle exec rake qa && vagrant destroy --force qa

Production boxes updates

Checkout this project and create jobs to run in parallel and update with Puppet. Could ssh into the boxes and run puppet agent --test too.

cd ~/continuous-delivery && vagrant provision db

cd ~/continuous-delivery && vagrant provision tomcat1

cd ~/continuous-delivery && vagrant provision www


Continuous deployment examples using Puppet, Jenkins, Maven, Tomcat,...