iuqaiser / calculatia

website for solving equations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a side project I'm working on to help me throughout my educational career. This website, at its core, is a basic equations calculator, but I'm planning on expanding it into a study hub, where I can keep all my online resources and materials for school in one convenient place. I'm planning on incorporating different features that reflect my capability of handling web dev concepts like APIs and databases, but as a starting point, I'm working on the equations feature. Here I'll list some features I want to/have already added, and I'll update them as I work and complete them.


This will serve as an automatic calculation of commonly used equations and formulas in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other subjects. For examples, the quadratic formula is a fundamental formula to understand and master, but it's complex enough that it's easy to make mistakes in. Automating it will guarantee a correct anser every time, in half the time it takes to calculate it. Active equations Math: Quadratic formula

Future equations Physics: Kinematic (Motion) equations Chemistry: density, molar, etc. basic calculations (will require accomodation for finding different variables)


Using a Spotify API, I plan to create a feature that reccomends playlists based on your study needs or what subjects you're studying at the moment. That sounds strange, but I'm not planning on playing the Alphabet song if you're studying literature. This is just a for-fun feature that I want to experiment with a bit. Genres could include motivational, upbeat, romanticising, etc. I don't know enough APIs yet to dwell on this but rest assured I plan to begin working on this during the next two months.


In order to learn more about CSS, I'm going to first implement a dark mode and allow for toggling between the default and dark modes. I was able to implement a simple animated gradient background during the initial stages of the project so allowing for a dark mode shouldn't be too hard. I also wan't to implement more of a space/constellations theme to the website, because calculatia as a name sounds quite sci-fi to me.

Journal/Tutorial Module?

Many people stand by learning by doing, but I've found that learning by teaching works well too for me, paradoxically. Having to articulate my understanding of a topic lets me understand what I'm talking about better, because I have to draw on what I understand to make it understandable to others. That sentence makes zero sense rereading it but I hope you understand what I mean.

Voice-to-Text Notes and Scheduler

Alexa for your laptop. Easy to record group projects or lunch dates while washing dishes. More details to come

And loads more features coming soon. This is a long-term project that I want to make as effective as possible, and I plan to implement whatever knowledge I come across into rhis project as well. This is just the beginning!


website for solving equations