iuliaturc / detextify

Remove text from AI-generated images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error when running pip install detextify

yasserelsaid opened this issue · comments


Can you help me resolve this?

Thanks for flagging this problem @yasserelsaid. A few questions:

  • What's your OS?
  • And are you using CPU or GPU?
  • Could you provide the exact commands you used for installation?
  • Mac OS Monterey on M1 Chip
  • CPU, I ran pip install paddlepaddle -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple and it worked perfectly
  • I then ran pip install detextify

Running setup.py install for PyMuPDF ... takes a long time (maybe 5 min)


After the 5 min it shows this:


Closing as obsolete; we replaced the PaddleOCR library with Tesseract, since it was causing a lot of trouble at installation.