itzg / mc-router

Routes Minecraft client connections to backend servers based upon the requested server address

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Use mc-router with bedrock / udp ?

euri10 opened this issue · comments


First thanks for the amazing image(s), it's been a seamless experience and so easy to use.

I'm using for my son and his friends a vanilla server running itzg/minecraft-server.

Now some of his friends have bedrock only so I managed to transfer the whole world / players on a Paper server using still your amazing image, and I installed the Geyser plugin which works fine.

I can expose the 19132 udp port in the container (that's what geyser uses) and bedrock clients connect to my ip:19132 fine and "regular" users can connect to regular.mydomain with the mc-router --mapping=regular.mydomain=my_paper_container:25565

Now I'd like to

  1. not expose 19132 port in my_paper_container
  2. map this port thanks to mc-router

I tried to add another subdomain bedrock.mydomain=my_paper_container:19132 without any luck, is it possible ? I tried a few variations like bedrock.mydomain=my_paper_container:19132/udp

in summary this compose file works

version: "3.7"
    image: itzg/minecraft-server
    restart: always
      - TYPE=PAPER
      - EULA=TRUE
      - VERSION=1.16.4
      - MEMORY=3G
      - 19132:19132/udp
    image: itzg/mc-router
    restart: always
      - 25565:25565
    command: --mapping=regular.mydomain=my_paper_container:25565
    #command: --mapping=bedorck.mydomain=my_paper_container:19132/udp,regular.mydomain=my_paper_container:25565

what I'd like is to comment the my_paper_container ports section and uncomment the --mapping in mc-router !

hope this is clear, let me know if that sounds sensible ?

oups sorry it's working as intended, not sure why I couldnt connect before

I'm glad you got it working...but I'm not quite sure how it's working since mc-router only knows how to speak the Java edition protocol during handshaking.