itsaphel / troubleinminecraft

A popular Garry's Mod gamemode (TTT) recreated using VoxelGamesLib.

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Karma system

itsaphel opened this issue · comments

People love RDMing.

A karma system will help determine:

  1. How much damage you can give to other players
  2. When to ban (karma too low, or a big drop in a short time, so 24h karma)

Karma should be persisted.

Requires the points API in VGL.

We sorta have a karma system but it doesn't really do anything special, like karma bans, right now. Karma is reduced or added onto within the game, but it isn't persisted. For persistence, ideally, we need a points API (component) in VGL. Will work on that at some point.

Also, we should probably cap karma at 1000 as per the TTT "spec" in gmod.