itijyou / ademxapp

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Run Errors, help

makaspacex opened this issue · comments

python issegm/ --data-root data/ade20k --output output --phase val --weight models/ade20k_rna-a1_cls150_s8_ep-0001.params --split val --test-scales 504 --test-flipping --test-steps 2 --gpus 0

and I get error from util import transformer as ts because it is being executed from within the issegm/

then I add sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) at issegm/ line 16

rerun 'python issegm/ --data-root data/ade20k --output output --phase val --weight models/ade20k_rna-a1_cls150_s8_ep-0001.params --split val --test-scales 504 --test-flipping --test-steps 2 --gpus 0'

and I get Traceback (most recent call last): File "issegm/", line 578, in <module> _val_impl(args, model_specs, logger) File "issegm/", line 435, in _val_impl _, net_args, net_auxs = util.load_params(args.from_model, args.from_epoch) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'load_params'

so, what should I do next ? Thanks very much!

My suggestion is to first make sure that no unexpected change has been made.
And there should be something in common in Issue #2.

Hey @itijyou , thanks for the suggestion. The code
_, net_args, net_auxs = util.load_params(args.from_model, args.from_epoch)
at issegm/ 's line 432 has a problem: the util which should be util/ has no function which name is load_params, is there something wrong? I don't understand. Thank you so much!

@zhuihunmiling , load_params not in util/ but in util/

You can modify to:

from util.mxutil import load_params
_, net_args, net_auxs = load_params(args.from_model, args.from_epoch)

@zhuihunmiling @xiahouzuoxin Thanks for pointing this out. I have fixed it, probably.