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Setting a Custom 404 Page

ffreality opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have some questions about LibHv after integrating it to Unreal Engine 5.

  1. what is the difference between server.start(); and;

  2. If I use auto Callback_Router_Handler = [this](const HttpRequestPtr& Request, const HttpResponseWriterPtr& Response) {}; as callback

  • Should I use hv::async::cleanup(); even if I use server.stop() ?
    Because project crashes with that callback if I also use that async::cleanup() after restarting UE5 gameplay.
  • I can't use getter functions such as Request->get()->GetParams(); after restarting Unreal Engine 5 gameplay.
    It gives an error about freeing memory. So, I need to directly access variables like
    const hv::QueryParams Querries = this->RequestPtr->get()->query_params;
  1. After setting a static web site with router.Static("/", path_root), How can I set a custom 404 page ?

1、 will occupy current thread to run, but HttpServer.start() will create another thread to run.
2、Crash? Do you use /MD or /MT on windows? /MT may cause this case.
3、You can set HttpService::errorHandler to response a custom error page.

1、 will occupy current thread to run, but HttpServer.start() will create another thread to run. 2、Crash? Do you use /MD or /MT on windows? /MT may cause this case. 3、You can set HttpService::errorHandler to response a custom error page.

I use /MD build on Windows. /MT build cause error with UE5.

You used server.setThreadNum(4); with; If run occupy current thread, what is the goal of giving thread number ?

If you use server.setThreadNum(4); with; that will create 3 threads + current thread to run event loops,if server.start(), that will create 4 threads to run event loops, not occupy current thread.

  • I understand server.start() and .run() differences.

  • I solved error page workflow.

auto Callback_Router_Error = [this](const HttpContextPtr& Context)->int
	return Context->sendFile(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*this->Server_Path_404));
this->HTTP_LVH_Router.errorHandler = Callback_Router_Error;

gave expected correct result.

Only problems are

  1. hv::async::cleanup(); gave crash after second start.
  2. getter functions gave FMEMORY_INLINE_FUNCTION_DECORATOR void FMemory::Free(void* Original) crash.

I think they are about Unreal Engine 5. Some more exprienced developers said sometimes there could be clashes between third party libraries' memory system and Unreal's.

But I commented out hv::async::cleanup(); and it works normal. So, no need to keep open this issue.