itaymigdal / PichichiH0ll0wer

Nim process hollowing loader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error while running

hawaii67 opened this issue · comments

Well, I get the following error (I used a metasploit exe, and all kind of injections. Same error.
What could be?)

Nim Compiler Version 2.0.0 [Windows: amd64]

{*] Compiling Loader: nim compile --app:console --cpu=amd64 -d:release -d:strip --opt:none --passL:-Wl,--dynamicbase --benchmarkVM:on --maxLoopIterationsVM:100000000 -d:hollow1 -o:PichichiH0ll0wer.exe Loader/main.nim
[-] Error compiling. compilation output:

Hint: used config file 'C:\nim-2.0.0\config\nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file 'C:\nim-2.0.0\config\config.nims' [Conf]
C:\TOOLZ\__REVERSING\__AV-Bypass_mitigation\PichichiH0ll0wer-main\PichichiH0ll0wer\Loader\utils.nim(84, 7) template/generic instantiation of `!=` from here
C:\TOOLZ\__REVERSING\__AV-Bypass_mitigation\PichichiH0ll0wer-main\PichichiH0ll0wer\Loader\utils.nim(73, 21) Error: type mismatch
Expression: CreateProcess(nil, newWideCString(processCmd), ps, ts, 0, 524292, nil, nil,
              addr si.StartupInfo, addr pi)
  [1] nil: typeof(nil)
  [2] newWideCString(processCmd): WideCStringObj
  [5] 0: int literal(0)
  [6] 524292: int literal(524292)
  [7] nil: typeof(nil)
  [8] nil: typeof(nil)
  [9] addr si.StartupInfo: ptr STARTUPINFOW
  [10] addr pi: ptr PROCESS_INFORMATION

Expected one of (first mismatch at [position]):
[3] proc CreateProcess(lpApplicationName: LPCWSTR; lpCommandLine: LPWSTR;
                   lpProcessAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
                   lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
                   bInheritHandles: WINBOOL; dwCreationFlags: DWORD;
                   lpEnvironment: LPVOID; lpCurrentDirectory: LPCWSTR;
                   lpStartupInfo: LPSTARTUPINFOW;
                   lpProcessInformation: LPPROCESS_INFORMATION): WINBOOL

Maybe a version issue. Nim compiler version 1.6 is working fine!

I support only the mentioned version that I used.
Thanks for reporting