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[Profile Moderation] Incorporate 'Reject' logic on profile moderation request

MissMS opened this issue · comments

As a user, I want to be able to interact with the profile moderation request so that I can confirm that changes do not contain inappropriate content

Acceptance criteria:

  1. BR-1: Number of hours after which the profile becomes automatically approved must be configurable
    [reference to US #626 AC#1.1, US #618 ]

  2. Given profile status is 'Pending Moderation'
    AND <# of hours> hours do not pass after the changes were submitted
    When moderator clicks 'СКАСУВАТИ'
    Then profile status is changed to 'Rejected' (together with the time when and user name who rejected)
    AND moderator must see the message: Зміни успішно скасовано. Профіль компанії заблоковано
    AND user profile must be blocked (cannot log in and register again)
    AND company must not be available on the website

  3. Given profile status is NOT 'Pending Moderation'
    When moderator clicks 'СКАСУВАТИ'
    Then the error message must be shown: Помилка: запит на затвердження змін вже було опрацьовано. Посилання застаріле

EPIC: #615