ismayc / thesisdown

An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package

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Formatting tweaks

locurran opened this issue · comments

I've poked around in the latex files, haven't found where to switch these around. Could you help?

  • I'd like the option to drop the line at the top of each page.
  • keep the page numbering on the right
  • even margins at 1" (\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} in reedthesis.cls didn't change this)
  • put appendix after bibliography (there's direct-to-pandoc hacks at Stack Overflow but not YAML material)


Can you let me know what you have tried in reedthesis.cls and template.tex for each of these? That will help me diagnose further.

  • didn't see where to omit the top-of-page line style and keep page numbering on right
  • for an even 1" page margin, I tried in reedthesis.cls changing line 177 to \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in}
  • for placement of appendix after bib, there's a reference in pandoc resources for such but not sure how to implement within markdown. Supposedly, it's built into Rmarkdown for generic pdf output. I tried this reference's format. I also tried using after_body in the YAML as

[indent] includes:
[indent] after_body: numbered-appendix.Rmd

  • I also need to keep all chapter titles to 12 or 14 pt and subheadings to 12 (boring, I know). I believe I tried changing all the code inreedthesis.cls along the lines of \fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont on line at 240 without effect but for warnings about the pretext.


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