ismayc / thesisdown

An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Long citation format

matanmazor opened this issue · comments


Hi, thanks for this fantastic tool.
This is not a bug report but a question. When I cite papers with multiple authors, the reference in the text with appears with all authors, not jus the first ones. How can I change that?

e.g., I have this reference in my bib file:

title={An fMRI study of the neural correlates of graded visual perception},
author={Christensen, Mark S and Rams{\o}y, Thomas Z and Lund, Torben E and Madsen, Kristoffer H and Rowe, James B},

And this in my Rmd:

in a study by @christensen2006fmri ...

In the output, I'm getting

in a study by Christensen, Ramsøy, Lund, Madsen, & Rowe (2006)

But I would prefer it to be Christensen et al. (2006) or Christensen and colleagues (2006).




Thanks! Where would I include the '\setcitestyle' command?

You can try to add LaTeX directly into the Rmd files if you are building a PDF.


Cool! When I'm adding it to index.Rmd I'm getting

! Undefined control sequence.
l.218 \setcitestyle

Should I include it in a specific place?

Also, is there a similar solution for rendering a gitbook?


You might want to try adding it to template.tex. I'm not aware of something similar for gitbook but playing around with references is really beyond my knowledge. You might have better luck on RStudio Community or Stack Overflow?


Cool, I'll try that, thanks!!!

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