IsmaeelHaider / clerk-client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Clerk REST Backend API, meant to be accessed by backend servers. Please see for more information.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import clerk_client 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import clerk_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

from pprint import pprint

import clerk_client
from clerk_client.configuration import Configuration
from import ApiException

configuration = Configuration()

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = clerk_client.ActorTokensApi(clerk_client.ApiClient(configuration))
body = clerk_client.ActorTokensBody()  # ActorTokensBody |  (optional)

    # Create actor token
    api_response = api_instance.create_actor_token(body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ActorTokensApi->create_actor_token: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = clerk_client.ActorTokensApi(clerk_client.ApiClient(configuration))
actor_token_id = 'actor_token_id_example'  # str | The ID of the actor token to be revoked.

    # Revoke actor token
    api_response = api_instance.revoke_actor_token(actor_token_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ActorTokensApi->revoke_actor_token: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActorTokensApi create_actor_token POST /actor_tokens Create actor token
ActorTokensApi revoke_actor_token POST /actor_tokens/{actor_token_id}/revoke Revoke actor token
AllowListBlockListApi create_allowlist_identifier POST /allowlist_identifiers Add identifier to the allow-list
AllowListBlockListApi create_blocklist_identifier POST /blocklist_identifiers Add identifier to the block-list
AllowListBlockListApi delete_allowlist_identifier DELETE /allowlist_identifiers/{identifier_id} Delete identifier from allow-list
AllowListBlockListApi delete_blocklist_identifier DELETE /blocklist_identifiers/{identifier_id} Delete identifier from block-list
AllowListBlockListApi list_allowlist_identifiers GET /allowlist_identifiers List all identifiers on the allow-list
AllowListBlockListApi list_blocklist_identifiers GET /blocklist_identifiers List all identifiers on the block-list
BetaFeaturesApi change_production_instance_domain POST /instance/change_domain Update production instance domain
BetaFeaturesApi update_instance_auth_config PATCH /beta_features/instance_settings Update instance settings
BetaFeaturesApi update_production_instance_domain PUT /beta_features/domain Update production instance domain
ClientsApi get_client GET /clients/{client_id} Get a client
ClientsApi get_client_list GET /clients List all clients
ClientsApi verify_client POST /clients/verify Verify a client
DomainsApi add_domain POST /domains Add a domain
DomainsApi delete_domain DELETE /domains/{domain_id} Delete a satellite domain
DomainsApi list_domains GET /domains List all instance domains
DomainsApi update_domain PATCH /domains/{domain_id} Update a domain
EmailAddressesApi create_email_address POST /email_addresses Create an email address
EmailAddressesApi delete_email_address DELETE /email_addresses/{email_address_id} Delete an email address
EmailAddressesApi get_email_address GET /email_addresses/{email_address_id} Retrieve an email address
EmailAddressesApi update_email_address PATCH /email_addresses/{email_address_id} Update an email address
EmailSMSTemplatesApi get_template GET /templates/{template_type}/{slug} Retrieve a template
EmailSMSTemplatesApi get_template_list GET /templates/{template_type} List all templates
EmailSMSTemplatesApi preview_template POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/preview Preview changes to a template
EmailSMSTemplatesApi revert_template POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/revert Revert a template
EmailSMSTemplatesApi toggle_template_delivery POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/toggle_delivery Toggle the delivery by Clerk for a template of a given type and slug
EmailSMSTemplatesApi upsert_template PUT /templates/{template_type}/{slug} Update a template for a given type and slug
InstanceSettingsApi update_instance PATCH /instance Update instance settings
InstanceSettingsApi update_instance_organization_settings PATCH /instance/organization_settings Update instance organization settings
InstanceSettingsApi update_instance_restrictions PATCH /instance/restrictions Update instance restrictions
InvitationsApi create_invitation POST /invitations Create an invitation
InvitationsApi list_invitations GET /invitations List all invitations
InvitationsApi revoke_invitation POST /invitations/{invitation_id}/revoke Revokes an invitation
JWKSApi get_jwks GET /jwks Retrieve the JSON Web Key Set of the instance
JWTTemplatesApi create_jwt_template POST /jwt_templates Create a JWT template
JWTTemplatesApi delete_jwt_template DELETE /jwt_templates/{template_id} Delete a Template
JWTTemplatesApi get_jwt_template GET /jwt_templates/{template_id} Retrieve a template
JWTTemplatesApi list_jwt_templates GET /jwt_templates List all templates
JWTTemplatesApi update_jwt_template PATCH /jwt_templates/{template_id} Update a JWT template
MiscellaneousApi get_public_interstitial GET /public/interstitial Returns the markup for the interstitial page
OAuthApplicationsApi create_o_auth_application POST /oauth_applications Create an OAuth application
OAuthApplicationsApi delete_o_auth_application DELETE /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} Delete an OAuth application
OAuthApplicationsApi get_o_auth_application GET /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} Retrieve an OAuth application by ID
OAuthApplicationsApi list_o_auth_applications GET /oauth_applications Get a list of OAuth applications for an instance
OAuthApplicationsApi rotate_o_auth_application_secret POST /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id}/rotate_secret Rotate the client secret of the given OAuth application
OAuthApplicationsApi update_o_auth_application PATCH /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} Update an OAuth application
OrganizationInvitationsApi create_organization_invitation POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations Create and send an organization invitation
OrganizationInvitationsApi create_organization_invitation_bulk POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/bulk Bulk create and send organization invitations
OrganizationInvitationsApi get_organization_invitation GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/{invitation_id} Retrieve an organization invitation by ID
OrganizationInvitationsApi list_organization_invitations GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations Get a list of organization invitations
OrganizationInvitationsApi list_pending_organization_invitations GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/pending Get a list of pending organization invitations
OrganizationInvitationsApi revoke_organization_invitation POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/{invitation_id}/revoke Revoke a pending organization invitation
OrganizationMembershipsApi create_organization_membership POST /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships Create a new organization membership
OrganizationMembershipsApi delete_organization_membership DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id} Remove a member from an organization
OrganizationMembershipsApi list_organization_memberships GET /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships Get a list of all members of an organization
OrganizationMembershipsApi update_organization_membership PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id} Update an organization membership
OrganizationMembershipsApi update_organization_membership_metadata PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id}/metadata Merge and update organization membership metadata
OrganizationsApi create_organization POST /organizations Create an organization
OrganizationsApi delete_organization DELETE /organizations/{organization_id} Delete an organization
OrganizationsApi delete_organization_logo DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/logo
OrganizationsApi get_organization GET /organizations/{organization_id} Retrieve an organization by ID or slug
OrganizationsApi list_organizations GET /organizations Get a list of organizations for an instance
OrganizationsApi merge_organization_metadata PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/metadata Merge and update metadata for an organization
OrganizationsApi update_organization PATCH /organizations/{organization_id} Update an organization
OrganizationsApi upload_organization_logo PUT /organizations/{organization_id}/logo Upload a logo for the organization
PhoneNumbersApi create_phone_number POST /phone_numbers Create a phone number
PhoneNumbersApi delete_phone_number DELETE /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} Delete a phone number
PhoneNumbersApi get_phone_number GET /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} Retrieve a phone number
PhoneNumbersApi update_phone_number PATCH /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} Update a phone number
ProxyChecksApi verify_domain_proxy POST /proxy_checks Verify the proxy configuration for your domain
RedirectURLsApi create_redirect_url POST /redirect_urls Create a redirect URL
RedirectURLsApi delete_redirect_url DELETE /redirect_urls/{id} Delete a redirect URL
RedirectURLsApi get_redirect_url GET /redirect_urls/{id} Retrieve a redirect URL
RedirectURLsApi list_redirect_urls GET /redirect_urls List all redirect URLs
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi create_saml_connection POST /saml_connections Create a SAML Connection
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi delete_saml_connection DELETE /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} Delete a SAML Connection
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi get_saml_connection GET /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} Retrieve a SAML Connection by ID
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi list_saml_connections GET /saml_connections Get a list of SAML Connections for an instance
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi update_saml_connection PATCH /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} Update a SAML Connection
SessionsApi create_session_token_from_template POST /sessions/{session_id}/tokens/{template_name} Create a session token from a jwt template
SessionsApi get_session GET /sessions/{session_id} Retrieve a session
SessionsApi get_session_list GET /sessions List all sessions
SessionsApi revoke_session POST /sessions/{session_id}/revoke Revoke a session
SessionsApi verify_session POST /sessions/{session_id}/verify Verify a session
SignInTokensApi create_sign_in_token POST /sign_in_tokens Create sign-in token
SignInTokensApi revoke_sign_in_token POST /sign_in_tokens/{sign_in_token_id}/revoke Revoke the given sign-in token
SignUpsApi update_sign_up PATCH /sign_ups/{id} Update a sign-up
UsersApi ban_user POST /users/{user_id}/ban Ban a user
UsersApi create_user POST /users Create a new user
UsersApi delete_user DELETE /users/{user_id} Delete a user
UsersApi delete_user_profile_image DELETE /users/{user_id}/profile_image Delete user profile image
UsersApi disable_mfa DELETE /users/{user_id}/mfa Disable a user's MFA methods
UsersApi get_o_auth_access_token GET /users/{user_id}/oauth_access_tokens/{provider} Retrieve the OAuth access token of a user
UsersApi get_user GET /users/{user_id} Retrieve a user
UsersApi get_user_list GET /users List all users
UsersApi get_users_count GET /users/count Count users
UsersApi lock_user POST /users/{user_id}/lock Lock a user
UsersApi set_user_profile_image POST /users/{user_id}/profile_image Set user profile image
UsersApi unban_user POST /users/{user_id}/unban Unban a user
UsersApi unlock_user POST /users/{user_id}/unlock Unlock a user
UsersApi update_user PATCH /users/{user_id} Update a user
UsersApi update_user_metadata PATCH /users/{user_id}/metadata Merge and update a user's metadata
UsersApi users_get_organization_memberships GET /users/{user_id}/organization_memberships Retrieve all memberships for a user
UsersApi verify_password POST /users/{user_id}/verify_password Verify the password of a user
UsersApi verify_totp POST /users/{user_id}/verify_totp Verify a TOTP or backup code for a user
WebhooksApi create_svix_app POST /webhooks/svix Create a Svix app
WebhooksApi delete_svix_app DELETE /webhooks/svix Delete a Svix app
WebhooksApi generate_svix_auth_url POST /webhooks/svix_url Create a Svix Dashboard URL

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization





Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%