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A curated list of developers & designers to follow on twitter. ⚡️

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Web Tweeps ⚡️

A curated list of developers & designers to follow on twitter.


This includes developers who work with various Javascript Frameworks. ⚛️

Name Twitter About
Brendan Eich @BrendanEich Created JavaScript. Co-founded Mozilla and Firefox.
Dan Abramov @dan_abramov Working on React. Co-author of Redux and Create React App.
Addy Osmani @addyosmani Working on Google Chrome. Creator of TodoMVC and Yeoman.
Sindre Sorhus @sindresorhus Creating macOS apps & CLI tools. Currently into Swift and Node.js.
Wes Bos @wesbos Full-Stack Web Developer. Teaching ES6, React.js and Node.js.
Guillermo Rauch @rauchg Founder of ZEIT. Creator of, Mongoose and Slackin.
David Walsh @davidwalshblog Working at Mozilla. Technical author of David Walsh Blog.
John Resig @jeresig Working at Khanacademy. Creator of jQuery.
Evan You @youyuxi Full-time Open Source. Creator of Vue.js.
TJ Holowaychuk @tjholowaychuk Founder of Apex. Creator of multiple NPM modules.
Paul Irish @paul_irish Working on Google Chrome team focused on Developer Tooling.
Chris Heilmann @codepo8 Working at Microsoft on Edge. Developer Evangelist.
Dan Shaw @dshaw Co-Founder of NodeSource. Building realtime systems with Node.js.
Kent C. Dodds @kentcdodds Making software development more accessible. JavaScript Teacher.
John Papa @John_Papa Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Authoring courses for Pluralsight.
Mathias Bynens @mathias Working on V8 JavaScript Engine at Google.
Axel Rauschmayer @rauschma Blogging about JavaScript. Author of multiple JavaScript books.
Kyle Simpson @getify JavaScript Teacher. Author of multiple JavaScript books.
Hakim El Hattab @hakimel Co-founder of Slides. Creator of reveal.js & Sketchtoy.
Ryan Florence @ryanflorence Co-Author React Router and Co-Owner React Training.
Ben Alman @cowboy Creator of Grunt.js and frequent contributor to jQuery
Andrew Clark @acdlite Working at Facebook. Co-creator of Redux.
Jay Phelps @_jayphelps Working at Netflix. Creator of redux-observable.
Nicolás Bevacqua @nzgb Writer & founder at Ponyfoo. OSS Lover.
Zeno Rocha @zenorocha Born to create & share. Creator of clipboard.js and dracula-theme.


This includes developers who work with various PHP Frameworks. 🐘

Name Twitter About
Rasmus Lerdorf @rasmus Breaking the Web. Creator of PHP.
Taylor Otwell @taylorotwell Created Laravel, Forge, Envoyer, and more.
Fabien Potencier @fabpot Founder and project lead at Symfony
Rob Allen @akrabat Lead developer of Slim Framework.
Josh Lockhart @codeguy Founder of Slim Framework and PHP The Right Way.
Sebastian Bergmann @s_bergmann Created PHP Unit.
Jeffrey Way @jeffrey_way Laracasts owner. Former teacher at Tuts+
Jordi Boggiano @seldaek Co-Founder of Packagist. ComposerPHP lead dev.
Dries Buytaert @Dries Founder and project lead of Drupal.


This includes also Web Designers who code like pros in HTML & CSS. 😎

Name Twitter About
Harry Roberts @csswizardry Consultant Front-end Architect. Author of CSS Guidelines.
Chris Coyier @chriscoyier Writer & founder at CSS Tricks. Co-Founder & Designer at Codepen.
Benjamin De Cock @bdc User Interface Designer at Stripe. Creator of Front-End Guidelines.
Brad Frost @brad_frost Professional Web Designer. Author of Atomic Design book.
Jonathan Snook @snookca Freelance Web Designer/Developer. Author of SMACSS book.
Rachel Andrew @rachelandrew CSS Working Group Invited Expert. Creator of Grid by Example.
Una Kravets @Una Senior UI Engineer DigitalOcean. Podcast co-host at Toolsday.
Mark Otto @mdo Senior Director of Design GitHub. Creator of Bootstrap.
Hugo Giraudel @HugoGiraudel Accessibility advocate, author, speaker. Creator of Sass Guidelines.
Lea Verou @LeaVerou Professional Web Designer. Author of CSS Secrets book.
Sara Soueidan @SaraSoueidan Front-End Developer. Author of Codrops CSS Reference.
Rogie King @rogie Designer / Illustrator / Developer. Co-Founder of SuperTeamDeluxe.
Eric Meyer @meyerweb HTML and CSS Expert. Creator of CSS Reset method.
Simurai @simurai Designer at GitHub, working on Atom and Electron. CSS fiddler.
Dave Shea @mezzoblue Professional Web Designer. Creator of CSS Zen Garden.
Dan Cederholm @simplebits Co-Founder at Dribbble. Author of 3 CSS books.
Daniel Eden @_dte Product Designer at Facebook. Creator of animate.css.




A curated list of developers & designers to follow on twitter. ⚡️