isaced / ISEmojiView

Emoji Keyboard for iOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support Dark Keyboard on iOS 13 when Dark Mode is enabled

thejeff77 opened this issue · comments

Keyboard has white background on iOS 13 when in dark mode.

For reference, if this helps speed up implementation:

        if #available(iOS 13, *) {
            if (vc.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark) {
                // Make keyboard background dark.

Looks like this is on line 217 of EmojiView.swift

I think something like this will do it:

private func setupView() {
    if #available(iOS 13, *) {
        backgroundColor = UIColor.secondarySystemBackground
    else {
        backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 249/255.0, green: 249/255.0, blue: 249/255.0, alpha: 1)

Will also have to check the other view classes for equivalent stuffs.

Thanks for the ideas @thejeff77 , I pushed some code to the master branch and updated the example, it looks good, please try it.


Wow cool screenshots. Thanks for doing this! You're like 12 hours ahead of me, was gonna do this today. I'll try it out right now. Thanks :)

Tried to add Swift Package Manager to this project but ran into issues. Any help with that would be pretty great.

I'll report back in a few.

Works like a charm. Thanks 🥇

Will close this out after 0.2.6 tag if that works.

Released v0.2.6

You're the best. Thanks.

The Pod is not updated yet. Please help.

-> Installing ISEmojiView (0.2.6)
 > Git download
 > Git download
     $ /usr/bin/git clone
     /var/folders/l6/8nk8j_9j02dggl3_0hl29x_40000gn/T/d20200330-14308-g32s22 --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch
     Cloning into '/var/folders/l6/8nk8j_9j02dggl3_0hl29x_40000gn/T/d20200330-14308-g32s22'...
     Note: switching to 'cd7fdd9be435b9545ca0d9a08c5e02dbcb8cc603'.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 11 23 38 PM


Key preview doesn't take the dark mode effect.


hey guys this is not working on iOS14 / latest pod version.