isabella232 / ImageClassifyTool

Object Detection Prototype Spec

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


All steps to build the training and test environment have been tested on ubuntu18.04. Here recommend python anaconda environment.

First install python 3.6 or later.

	sudo apt install python3.6
	sudo apt install -y python3-pip

Install keras and tensorflow 1.15 gpu version

	pip3 install keras
	pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.15

Install python opencv

	apt install python3-opencv

Now enter the ImageClassifyTool directory.

	cd ImageClassifyTool

The folder structure and file function is as follows

	dataclassify: image dataset directory for train classification model 
	datadetect: image dataset directory for train yolo detect model 
	model_data: trained model directory for test and training
	model_training: working directory while train model
	testclassify: test directory for image classification
	testdetect: test directory for object detect training python script for classification model training python script for yolo model benchmark python script for classification benchmark python script for detection

1. Train Image classification

Data collection

First, we need image data for training. As mentioned above there are several ways for scrap image data set. Here wrote download python script for download from URL list. Enter “dataclassify” directory and run following python script.

	 python3 --urls=urls_1.txt --dir=class01
	 python3 --urls=urls_2.txt --dir=class02

This script download to class02 directory all images from URL list. And add images which downloaded from google image search and grabbed from video. At least 10k images are recommended for training.

Data Preprocessing

Once the image is ready, we have to split two set. One is train other one is validation set. In addition, for training we have to convert images to 224X224 pixel images. Run following python script.

	python3 --infolder class01 --classname 0
	python3 --infolder class02 --classname 1

After run this script we can confirm “train” and “validation” directories.

Training the classifier

Now we can start training. Enter the root directory for working.

	python3 --classes=2 --size=224 --batch=64 --epochs=100 --weights=False --tclasses=0

Parameter explanation

	--classes, The number of classes of dataset.
	--size, The image size of train sample.
	--batch, The number of train samples per batch.
	--epochs, The number of train iterations.
	--weights, Fine tune with other weights.
	--tclasses, The number of classes of pre-trained model.

Here –weights and –tclasses parameter is False and 0, because don’t use pre-trained model. If the training is completed then we can find trained model file in “model_training/logclassify” directory and the file name is “trained_classifymodel.h5”. For test we have to copy this file to “model_data” directory.

	cp model_training/logclassify/trained_classifymodel.h5 model_data/trained_classifymodel.h5


If you want to do fine-tune the trained model to improve accuracy or add other class then you can run the following command. Before do fine-tune, you need to check the accuracy of the training data and the number of classifications and it should be noted that the size of the input image should be consistent with the original model. You can download a pre-trained model to classify adult, soccer and other here.

	python3 --classes=3 --size=224 --batch=64 --epochs=100 --weights=trained_model.h5 --tclasses=2

Test and Result

Place the images you want to test in the "testclassify" directory and run following python script.


Calculate ROC and Threshold for classifier

Need to install dependent python packages

	pip install scikit-learn

2. Yolo Training

Data collection

As same like classification we can scrap image data set. In this project used public data set called “VOC”. The Pascal VOC challenge is a very popular dataset for building and evaluating algorithms for image classification, object detection, and segmentation.

Enter “datadetect” directory and download data using following command script.

	cd datadetect
	tar xf VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
	tar xf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
	tar xf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar

There will be a VOCdevkit/ subdirectory with all the VOC training data in it. Using following command script we can make training image list.


This script filter only five (person, car, bicycle, dog, cat) objects. we can confirm “detecttrain.txt” file for training. If we use image data from scrap in internet, in this case it needs to be fed with labeled training data in order for our detector to learn to detect objects in images, such as cat and dog in pictures. To label images, general using image annotation tool like "labelImg". Here we don't discuss about this.


Now we can start training. Enter work root directory and run following script.


If completed training then we can find trained model file in “model_training/logdetect” directory.This file name is “trained_weights_final.h5”.

For test we copy this file to “model_data” directory.

	cp model_training/logdetect/trained_weights_final.h5 model_data/yolo_trained_weights_final.h5


Place the images you want to test in the "testdetect" directory and run following python script.


3. Trouble Shooting

cannot import cv2

	pip install opencv-python

cannot import pandas

	pip install pandas

cannot import scikit

	pip install scikit-learn

cannot import matplotlib

	pip install matplotlib


Object Detection Prototype Spec


Language:Python 100.0%