isabella232 / environment-example-sifive

An example environment package

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This package can be used to create a wake runner that will set environment variables for jobs from JSON values based on the resources they request. A default runner is also included with this package.


Resources describe a tool that is requested by a job. They are strings. This package expects resources to have the format {vendor}/{tool}/{version}. If there is no vendor then the format is {tool}/{version}.


To use this you need to create a JSON file that maps resources to a JSON object representing the environment variables you want to set when that resource is requested. The JSON should be a series of nested objects where the keys correspond to the {vendor}/{tool}/{version} or {tool}/{version} format above. version keys should be exact versions, not version match expressions.

  "google": {
    "protobuf": {
      "3.5.1": {
        "PATH": "/protobuf/bin"
  "verilator": {
    "4.008": {
      "PATH": "/verilator/bin",
      "VERILATOR_ROOT": "/verilator"

Then you need to publish a list of Paths to your JSON files to environmentJSONs.

publish environmentJSONs = source "path/to/environment.json", Nil

Now when a wake job requests the resource google/protobuf/>=3.5.0, /protobuf/bin will be added to the PATH environment variable for that job.

The version portion of the resource string can be an exact version or version match expression. A version match is determined by the semverMatches wake function. semverMatches uses the python semver (see link for match expression documentation) package to check whether the version matches.

Making your own runner

This package defines the global function makeJSONEnvironmentRunner that takes a JSONEnvironmentRunnerPlan and returns a Runner. You can use this to make your own runner if you would like to use a different version matching function or a different set of JSONs. This also defines semverMatches, which is the python semver matching function described above.


publish runner = (
  def name = "myRunner"
  def scoreFn baseScore = baseScore +. 2.0
  def semverMatchFn = semverMatches
  def jvalues = subscribe myRunnerJValues
  def baseRunner = defaultRunner
  makeJSONEnvironmentRunnerPlan name scoreFn semverMatchFn jvalues baseRunner
  | makeJSONEnvironmentRunner
), Nil


An example environment package

License:Apache License 2.0