isabella232 / discord_vigilante

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


DiscordSidekick is a process that executes a Lua script to provide rich presence data for a target process.

The sidekick process will attach to the target process ID and execute the script at scripts/<game_id>.lua. The target process ID and game_id are specified on the command line: DiscordSidekick_x86.exe <pid> <game_id>. (The x86 in DiscordSidekick_x86.exe refers to the architecture of the target process -- the x86 executable cannot target 64-bit processes and vice versa.)

Any game_id can be used for testing (1 is perfectly fine). For the Discord client to automatically launch a sidekick process in production, a script for the game ID from Discord's game database entry must be present at scripts/<game_id>.lua.


Standard Library

The basic (with the exception of dofile, loadfile, and load), coroutine, table, string, math, and utf8Lua standard libraries are available (notably absent are the package, io, and os libraries).

Sidekick API


The Architecture global variable is set to either x86 or x64 depending on the architecture of the target process.

Read(address, length)

Returns length bytes of data at address as a string (or nil on failure).

Find(pattern, [begin_address[, [end_address, [executable_only]]])

Returns the address of the first occurence of pattern within the specified range (the entire process if unspecified), or nil on failure. If exutable_only is true (the default behavior), only executable pages will be searched.

pattern is a string with the format 11223344......AABBCC, where NN is a hexadecimal byte and .. represents a wildcard.


Returns a (base address, size) tuple for the specified module name, or nil on failure.

Sidekick Interface


The game script must define a global function named get_presence. It should return nil if presence data is unavailable (for example, because a signature failed to resolve), or a table with the following optional fields:

  • state
  • details
  • largeImageKey
  • largeImageText
  • smallImageKey
  • smallImageText
  • partyId
  • matchSecret
  • joinSecret
  • spectateSecret

For information on these fields, see Update Presence Payload Fields.


  • If your script targets a game that can run as either a 32-bit or 64-bit process, make sure it checks Architecture.
  • If your script makes use of GetModuleInfo for a module besides the main executable, make sure it handles the case where the module has not been loaded yet.
  • Try not to include absolute addresses or relative offsets in your script. Instead, make use of Find.
  • If possible, cache the result of Find instead of calling it every time get_presence is called.
  • If possible, implement a sanity check that prevents any work from being done in get_presence once it fails.


function read_dword(addr)
    local data = Read(addr, 4)
    if data == nil then
        return nil

    local result = string.byte(data, 1);
    result |= string.byte(data, 2) << 8;
    result |= string.byte(data, 3) << 16;
    result |= string.byte(data, 4) << 24;

    return result;

function read_string(addr, max_size)
    local data = Read(addr, max_size)
    if data == nil then
        return nil

    for i = 1, max_size do
        if data:byte(i) == 0 then
            return data:sub(1, i)

    return data

local prev_client_addr = nil
local str_addr = nil

function get_presence()
    local client_addr, client_size = GetModuleInfo("client.dll")

    if client_addr ~= prev_client_addr then
        str_adder = nil

    if client_addr == nil then
        return nil

    local client_end_addr = client_addr + client_size

    if str_addr == nil
        local addr = Find("8D8F........8BD0680401", client_addr, client_end_addr)
        if addr == nil then
            return nil

        str_addr = read_dword(addr + 2)

    local name = read_string(str_addr, 256)

    return {
        state="Playing as " .. name,
