isabella232 / coding-standards-example-project

An example project that uses latest webdevstudios/php-coding-standards, @webdevstudios/js-coding-standards, and @webdevstudios/css-coding-standards as an example.

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WebDevStudios Coding Standards Example Project

This project is used to exemplify how to install WebDevStudios coding standards.

See installation instructions on those repos and review package.json and composer.json.

To play, clone the repo and run npm install && composer install.


  • Installed the new @webdevstudips/js-coding-standards:master to test prettier support
  • Updated js/css/php-coding standards to the latest


An example project that uses latest webdevstudios/php-coding-standards, @webdevstudios/js-coding-standards, and @webdevstudios/css-coding-standards as an example.