isaacvitor / node-red-contrib-socketio-client

Socket.IO client to Node-Red

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opened this issue · comments

Do you plan to release an emitter function?

Good question @lucasmellos! Probably I can do it whether you need very much but before a correct response I need to make a look at the module

I'm planning use your module in a research project. I need three basic functions: (1) listener, (2) connector and (3) emitter to send response messages.

The project objective is receive messages, identify the events and response with a new message.

Ok, good! I will see what I can do soon... I'll stay with this issue open to remind me...

Any date to release the new feature?

Hi @lucasmellos I've been problems with time in my life, but I believe that I'll find a solution until then end of month.
Did you try to use the native module websocket to solve what you want?

@lucasmellos @isaacvitor added this feature in pull request #5

Thanks @aryeharmon. I'm really excited to test this feature.

I really sorry because I'm working a lot and didn't spend time to add this feature. Thanks @aryeharmon and @lucasmellos