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Need to think about how to display future giveaways

irvinlim opened this issue · comments

Right now, if someone posts a giveaway more than 24 hours into the future, it will not show up in any part of the site, because the map only shows giveaways in the range: starting within the next 24 hours, till its end time.

We could consider displaying giveaways the user posted only for him, but have a note that says it is not public until some date & time in the future, inside of the infobox. These giveaways also appear in the user's search results. Essentially, we will "overpublish" (with tracking) a user's posted giveaways. Additionally, the colour of the marker should be light grey.

(N.B. Actually cannot overpublish because of the nearby box, more like add this query to an $or condition.)

On this note, we should also think about how we can display featured giveaways, like whether they will start to display from an earlier time if they are featured (can monetize). Can also display these featured giveaways on a carousel in the Timeline view.

What do you think?

I guess another way is to have a separate route for editing giveaways, where only and all the user's giveaways are displayed on the map, and can edit by clicking the marker.

Yea we could add another property to the giveaway, and then using that in the query instead of overpublishing, then like if you want to push forward the public date then charge more or sth

For the featured ones I think can also make the marker bigger? like more prominent / different color maybe.

Closing this because future giveaways of up to 1 week into the future are shown (published).