irulabs / weiru

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


jessicasalmon opened this issue · comments

site wide

containers/ section level padding

  • nav content container should be wider than general containers
  • horizontal padding of each section
  • decide and implement content containers for medium and large screens (content currently streches too far on large screen)

netlify admin

  • set up redirect so that react router works: docs & example
  • link up domain
  • set up https


  • add ' where needed
  • body font - I think it's hard to read even on the homepage. Thoughts?
  • feels huge - thoughts?



  • fix text overspill on smaller screens (covers logo & text gets cut off at bottom)
  • fix height of landing section (esp on large screen)


  • logo sizes
  • add dwyl text?
  • add background colour

case studies

  • link through to each case study
  • change titles
  • choose new images and replace stock photo placeholders
  • edit layout to have two cards on medium screen and 3 on large


  • liven up thank you text?
  • stack form fields on mobile

case studies individual pages

  • add contact form to bottom of page
  • navigation between case studies?
  • quodl: find and add METHODOLOGY


changed padding on sections to:

  • case studies: ph4 ph5-m ph7-l
  • home page: ph4 ph6-m ph7-l

Still going to need to define either a container class or a ph8-l as the content is still too wide on larger screens