irshadbhat / litcm

Language Identification and transliteration tool for Indian language code mixed data.

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Language Identification and Transliteration in Code Mixing (litcm):

Language Identification and Transliteration system for Indian Languages in Roman script, code mixed with English.

The tool is meant for English code-mixed with any of seven Indian languages viz. Hindi, Bengali, Kanadda, Tamil, Malayalam, Telegu and Gujrati.

Input file can have words in any of the above mentioned languages in Roman script.


IIIT-H System Submission for FIRE2014 Shared Task on Transliterated Search



litcm requires NumPy and KenLM.

To install the dependencies do something like (Ubuntu):

pip install numpy
pip install


cd litcm
sudo python install


pip install git+git:// 

How to use ??

Work with files

litcm --i inputfile --o outputfile --l hin tel eng --t

--i input <input-file> --o output <output-file, optional, default:stdout> --l languages Any subset from the set: [bangujkantam|tel], optional, default: hin eng --t transliteration set this flag for back-transliteration of identified Indic words, optional default: False

From Python

>>> from litcm import LIT
>>> lit = LIT(labels=['hin', 'eng'], transliteration=True)
>>> text = "FOOD security bill pass ,. . acchi baat hai .... . Congress ke accoeding desh ke 80 carore logo ke liye tha ye bil ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . but I've a question ,. . kya yahi hai congress kaa bharat nirmaan , ki 65 years raaz karney ke baad bhi 80 carore log garib hain ... . Kitna lootego desh ko . . .. . .. . . or ek baat or jab desh kii aarthik condition ICU mai ho ,. . tab is situation mai ye bill laakr kya ram ram sath krbana hai desh kaa ..... ."
>>> print lit.identify(text)
FOOD\Eng security\Eng bill\Eng pass\Eng ,.\O .\O acchi\Hin=अच्ची baat\Hin=बात hai\Hin=ही ....\O .\O Congress\Hin=कांग्रेस ke\Eng accoeding\Eng desh\Hin=देश ke\Hin= 80\O carore\Hin=कैरर logo\Hin=लोगो ke\Hin= liye\Hin=लिये tha\Hin=ता ye\Hin=ये bil\Hin=बिल ...\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O .\O but\Eng I've\Eng a\Eng question\Hin=केस्शन ,.\O .\O kya\Hin=क्या yahi\Hin=यही hai\Hin=ही congress\Hin=कांग्रेस kaa\Hin=का bharat\Hin=भारत nirmaan\Hin=निर्मान ,\O ki\Hin=की 65\O years\Hin=यिअर्स raaz\Hin=राअज़ karney\Hin=करने ke\Hin=क baad\Hin=बाद bhi\Hin=भही 80\O carore\Hin=कैरर log\Hin=लाग garib\Hin=गरीब hain\Hin=हैंअ ...\O .\O Kitna\Hin=कितना lootego\Hin=लूटेगो desh\Hin=देश ko\Hin=को .\O .\O ..\O .\O ..\O .\O .\O or\Hin=और ek\Hin=इक baat\Hin=बात or\Hin=और jab\Hin=जब desh\Hin=देश kii\Hin=की aarthik\Hin=आर्थिक condition\Eng ICU\Eng mai\Hin=माई ho\Hin=हो ,.\O .\O tab\Hin=तब is\Eng situation\Eng mai\Hin=माई ye\Hin=ये bill\Hin=बिल laakr\Hin=लाआक्र kya\Hin=क्या ram\Hin=राम ram\Hin=राम sath\Hin=सत krbana\Hin=क्रबना hai\Hin=ही desh\Hin=देश kaa\Hin=का .....\O .\O O


Irshad Ahmad Bhat
MS-CSE IIITH, Hyderabad

Citation: ========

If you use this code for a publication, please cite the following paper:

 author = {Bhat, Irshad Ahmad and Mujadia, Vandan and Tammewar, Aniruddha and Bhat, Riyaz Ahmad and Shrivastava, Manish},
 title = {IIIT-H System Submission for FIRE2014 Shared Task on Transliterated Search},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation},
 series = {FIRE '14},
 year = {2015},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-3755-7},
 location = {Bangalore, India},
 pages = {48--53},
 numpages = {6},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/2824864.2824872},
 acmid = {2824872},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Information Retrieval, Language Identification, Language Modeling, Perplexity, Transliteration},


Language Identification and transliteration tool for Indian language code mixed data.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%