ironashram / helm-rbac

A chart Helm to define RBAC in your clusters the GitOps way

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple and centralized RBAC Management in Kubernetes/Openshift 📜 👮‍♂️

Define your Kubernetes RBAC rules in a centralized and automatically way without any CRDs ! 🚀

How to

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Define your rules
  3. Deploy the way you want !

Deploy it

Deploy the GitOps way

Use a GitOps controller (like ArgoCD or Flux) to point to your fork. Then your rules are automatically applied and reconcilied.

Now, give rights to everybody in your organisation to submit a PR and managing rights are just a matter of reviewing code ! 🤩

Deploy manually

Install / Update a release manually

⚠️ Need cluster-admin role

Deploy it by specifying the right cluster value files

$ helm upgrade --install --force --create-namespace -f values.cluster1.yaml helm-rbac . -n helm-rbac

Uninstall a release manually

$ helm uninstall helm-rbac -n helm-rbac

RBAC Rules Maintainance

Best practices

  • Use a dedicated namespace for your helm release
  • ⚠️ Avoid to bind users directly to Roles/ClusterRoles. Instead define groups of users (e.g. devteam, qateam, etc.).
  • Prefer predefined ClusterRoles
  • In case of multi-clusters, define common rules in default values.yaml, while specific definitions for a cluster will be defined in its own value files.


Where to define ?

  1. If your update concerns every cluster : put it in values.yaml
  2. If your update concerns a specific cluster, put it in the values defined for the concerned cluster (e.g. values.cluster1.yaml).
  3. If your update concerns every cluster but one specific :
    1. put it in values.yaml
    2. override it in the values defined for the concerned cluster

What to define ?

You can define :

  • Roles (prefer using predefined ones),
  • ClusterRoles (prefer using predefined ones),
  • Groups,
  • RoleBindings,
  • ClusterRoleBindings.

⚠️ You are free to define values but you have to use existing objects (Groups, Namespaces, Roles, ClusterRoles) :

  • Roles are defined in namespaces. By default, no one is defined. See specific namespace definition for that.
  • Some convenient predefined ClusterRoles are admin, edit, view, guest.

Roles must be defined like this :

  <Existing namespace name>:
    <Role name>:
    # List of grants
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["pods", "configmaps"]
      verbs: ["get", "list"]
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["pvc"]
      verbs: ["get", "list"]

ClusterRoles must be defined like this :

  <ClusterRole name>:
  # List of grants
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["pods", "pods/log"]
    verbs: ["get", "list"]

Groups must be defined like this :

  <name of the group>:
  # List of users
  - <username1>
  - <username2>
  - ...

RoleBindings must be defined like this :

  <Existing namespace name>:
    <Existing/Defined Role/ClusterRole name>:
      # List of groups/users/serviceAccounts granted with this role/clusterRole in this namespace
      - <Existing/Defined Group "name">
      - ...
      - <Existing User "name">
      - ...
      - <Existing ServiceAccount "namespace:name" )>
      - ...

ClusterRoleBindings must be defined like this :

  <Existing/Defined ClusterRole name>:
    # List of groups/users/serviceAccounts granted with this clusterRole in the cluster
    - <Existing/Defined Group "name">
    - ...
    - <Existing User "name">
    - ...œ
    - <Existing ServiceAccount "namespace:name" )>
    - ...

Remove a definition

To remove a Map, define it like this :

clusterRoleBindings: {}

To remove a List, define it like this :

    groups: []

Known problems

1. Openshift 3.11 : Users in RoleBindings

It seems that this definition is not applied by Openshift 3.11.

groupNames and userNames should be used in legacy servers. See

kind: RoleBinding
  name: factory-edit
  namespace: factory
  name: edit
- kind: User
  name: toto


A chart Helm to define RBAC in your clusters the GitOps way

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Smarty 100.0%