irkmandeer / mineflayer-pathfinder

Pathfinding plugin that gives bot the ability to go from A to B

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Pathfinding plugin for the Minecraft Bot API Mineflayer. Create static, dynamic or composite goals to navigate Minecraft terrain fully autonomously.

Mostly stable. Feel free to contribute by making suggestions or posting issues.


npm install mineflayer-pathfinder

Tutorial & Explanation

For a basic explanation of how to use mineflayer-pathfinder, you can read this tutorial.

Video Tutorials

For a video tutorial explaining the usage of mineflayer-pathfinder, you can watch the following Youtube videos:

part 1 part 2


const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
const pathfinder = require('mineflayer-pathfinder').pathfinder
const Movements = require('mineflayer-pathfinder').Movements
const { GoalNear } = require('mineflayer-pathfinder').goals
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({ username: 'Player' })


bot.once('spawn', () => {
  const defaultMove = new Movements(bot)
  bot.on('chat', function(username, message) {
    if (username === bot.username) return

    const target = bot.players[username] ? bot.players[username].entity : null
    if (message === 'come') {
      if (!target) {'I don\'t see you !')
      const p = target.position

      bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalNear(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1))


  • Optimized and modernized A* pathfinding
  • Complexe goals can be specified (inspired by baritone goals )
  • Customizable movements generator
  • Each movement can have a different cost
  • Can break/place blocks as part of its deplacement
  • Automatically update path when environment change
  • Long distance paths
  • Can swim
  • Can avoid entities
  • Modular and easily extendable with different behavior


Considering there are a lot of deep changes that are being worked on, it could take some time before it's done

Also, for now, there is only the pathfinder module, movements and goals still need to be done



Returns a Promise with the path result. Resolves when the goal is reached. Rejects on error.

  • goal - Goal instance


Returns the best harvesting tool in the inventory for the specified block.

  • Returns - Item instance or null
  • block - Block instance

bot.pathfinder.getPathTo(movements, goal, timeout)

  • Returns - The path
  • movements - Movements instance
  • goal - Goal instance
  • timeout - number (optional, default bot.pathfinder.thinkTimeout)

bot.pathfinder.getPathFromTo* (movements, startPos, goal, options = {})

Returns a Generator. The generator computes the path for as longs as no full path is found or options.timeout is reached. The generator will block the event loop until a path is found or options.tickTimeout (default to 50ms) is reached.

  • Returns - A generator instance. See MDN function*.
  • movements - Movements instance
  • startPos - A Vec3 instance. The starting position to base the path search from.
  • goal - Goal instance
  • options - A optional options object contains:
    • optimizePath - Boolean Optional. Optimize path for shortcuts like going to the next node in a strait line instead walking only diagonal or along axis.
    • resetEntityIntersects - Boolean Optional. Reset the entityIntersections index for movements. Default: true
    • timeout - Number Optional. Total computation timeout.
    • tickTimeout - Number Optional. Maximum amount off time before yielding.
    • searchRadius - Number Optional. Max distance to search.
    • startMove - instance of Move Optional. A optional starting position as a Move. Replaces startPos as the starting position.

bot.pathfinder.setGoal(Goal, dynamic)

  • goal - Goal instance
  • dynamic - boolean (optional, default false)


Assigns the movements config.

  • movements - Movements instance


Stops pathfinding as soon as the bot has reached the next node in the path (this prevents the bot from stopping mid-air). Emits path_stop when called. Note: to force stop immediately, use bot.pathfinder.setGoal(null)


A function that checks if the bot is currently moving.

  • Returns - boolean


A function that checks if the bot is currently mining blocks.

  • Returns - boolean


A function that checks if the bot is currently placing blocks.

  • Returns - boolean



Think Timeout in milliseconds.

  • Default - 5000


How many milliseconds per tick are allocated to thinking.

  • Default - 40


The search limiting radius, in blocks, if -1 the search is not limited by distance.

  • Default - -1

Movement class

This class configures how pathfinder plans its paths. It configures things like block breaking or different costs for moves. This class can be extended to add or change how pathfinder calculates its moves.


Pathfinder instantiates the default movement class by itself if no instance is specified. If you want to change values you should create a new instance of the Movements class, change it's values and set it as pathfinders new movement class.


const { Movements } = require('mineflayer-pathfinder') // Import the Movements class from pathfinder

bot.once('spawn', () => {
  // A new movement instance for specific behavior
  const defaultMove = new Movements(bot)

  defaultMove.allow1by1towers = false // Do not build 1x1 towers when going up
  defaultMove.canDig = false // Disable breaking of blocks when pathing 
  defaultMove.scafoldingBlocks.push(bot.registry.itemsByName['netherrack'].id) // Add nether rack to allowed scaffolding items
  bot.pathfinder.setMovements(defaultMove) // Update the movement instance pathfinder uses

  // Do pathfinder things
  // ...

Movements class default properties

Movement class properties and their default values.


Boolean to allow breaking blocks.

  • Default true


Additional cost for breaking blocks.

  • Default - 1


Additional cost for placing blocks.

  • Default - 1


Max drop down distance. Only considers drops that have blocks to land on.

  • Default - 4


Option to ignore maxDropDown distance when the landing position is in water.

  • Default - true


Additional cost for interacting with liquids.

  • Default - 1


Additional cost for moving through an entity hitbox (besides passable ones).

  • Default - 1


Do not break blocks that touch liquid blocks.

  • Default - true


Do not break blocks that have a gravityBlock above.

  • Default - true


Allow pillaring up on 1x1 towers.

  • Default - true


Allow to walk to the next node/goal in a straight line if terrain allows it.

  • Default - false


Allow parkour jumps like jumps over gaps bigger then 1 block.

  • Default - true


Allow sprinting when moving.

  • Default - true


Test for entities that may obstruct path or prevent block placement. Grabs updated entities every new path.

  • Default - true


Set of entities (by bot.registry name) to completely avoid when using entity detection.

  • instance of Set


Set of entities (by bot.registry name) to ignore when using entity detection.

  • instance of Set
  • Default - See lib/passableEntities.json


Set of blocks (by bot.registry name) that pathfinder should not attempt to place blocks or 'right click' on.

  • instance of Set
  • Default - See lib/interactable.json


Set of block id's pathfinder cannot break. Includes chests and all unbreakable blocks.

  • instance of Set


Set of block id's to avoid.

  • instance of Set


Set of liquid block id's.

  • instance of Set


Set of block id's that are climable. Note: Currently unused as pathfinder cannot use climables.

  • instance of Set


Set of block id's that can be replaced when placing blocks.

  • instance of Set


Array of item id's that can be used as scaffolding blocks.

  • Default - [<scaffoldingItems>]


Set of block id's that can fall on bot's head.

  • instance of Set


Set of block id's that are fences or blocks that have a collision box taller then 1 block.

  • instance of Set


Set of all carpet block id's or blocks that have a collision box smaller then 0.1. These blocks are considered safe to walk in.

  • instance of Set


An array of functions that define an area or block to be step on excluded. Every function in the array is parsed the Block the bot is planing to step on. Each function should return a positive number (includes 0) that defines extra cost for that specific Block. 0 means no extra cost, 100 means it is impossible for pathfinder to consider this move.

  • Array of functions (block: Block) => number


An array of functions that define an area or block to be break excluded. Every function in the array is parsed the Block the bot is planing to break. Each function should return a positive number (includes 0) that defines extra cost for that specific Block. 0 means no extra cost, 100 means it is impossible for pathfinder to consider this move.

  • Array of functions (block: Block) => number


An array of functions that define an area to be block placement excluded. Every function in the array is parsed the current Block the bot is planing to place a block inside (should be air or a replaceable block most of the time). Each function should return a positive number (includes 0) that defines extra cost for that specific Block. 0 means no extra cost, 100 makes it impossible for pathfinder to consider this move.

  • Array of functions (block: Block) => number


A dictionary of the number of entities intersecting each floored block coordinate. Updated automatically for each path, but you may mix in your own entries before calculating a path if desired (generally for testing). To prevent this from being cleared automatically before generating a path,s see the path gen options.

  • Formatted entityIntersections['x,y,z'] = #ents
  • Dictionary of costs {string: number}


Enable feature to open Fence Gates. Unreliable and known to be buggy.

  • Default - false



Called when the goal has been reached. Not called for dynamic goals.


Called whenever the path is recalculated. Status may be:

  • success a path has been found
  • partial a partial path has been found, computations will continue next tick
  • timeout timed out
  • noPath no path was found


Called whenever a new goal is assigned to the pathfinder.


Called when the path is reset, with a reason:

  • goal_updated
  • movements_updated
  • block_updated
  • chunk_loaded
  • goal_moved
  • dig_error
  • no_scaffolding_blocks
  • place_error
  • stuck


Called when the pathing has been stopped by bot.pathfinder.stop()



Abstract Goal class. Do not instantiate this class. Instead extend it to make a new Goal class.

Has abstract methods:

  • heuristic(node)
    • node - A path node
    • Returns a heuristic number value for a given node. Must be admissible – meaning that it never overestimates the actual cost to get to the goal.
  • isEnd(node)
    • node
    • Returns a boolean value if the given node is a end node.

Implements default methods for:

  • isValid()
    • Always returns true
  • hasChanged(node)
    • node - A path node
    • Always returns false

GoalBlock(x, y, z)

One specific block that the player should stand inside at foot level

  • x - Integer
  • y - Integer
  • z - Integer

GoalNear(x, y, z, range)

A block position that the player should get within a certain radius of

  • x - Integer
  • y - Integer
  • z - Integer
  • range - Integer

GoalXZ(x, z)

Useful for long-range goals that don't have a specific Y level

  • x - Integer
  • z - Integer

GoalNearXZ(x, z, range)

Useful for finding builds that you don't have an exact Y level for, just an approximate X and Z level.

  • x - Integer
  • z - Integer
  • range - Integer


Get to a Y level.

  • y - Integer

GoalGetToBlock(x, y, z)

Don't get into the block, but get directly adjacent to it. Useful for chests.

  • x - Integer
  • y - Integer
  • z - Integer


A composite of many goals, any one of which satisfies the composite. For example, a GoalCompositeAny of block goals for every oak log in loaded chunks would result in it pathing to the easiest oak log to get to.

  • Array - Array of goals


A composite of multiple goals, requiring all of them to be satisfied.

  • Array - Array of goals


Inverts the goal.

  • goal - Goal to invert

GoalFollow(entity, range)

Follows an entity.

  • entity - Entity instance
  • range - Integer

GoalPlaceBlock(pos, world, options)

Position the bot in order to place a block.

  • pos - Vec3 the position of the placed block
  • world - the world of the bot (Can be accessed with
  • options - object containing all optionals properties:
    • range - maximum distance from the clicked face
    • faces - the directions of the faces the player can click
    • facing - the direction the player must be facing
    • facing3D - boolean, facing is 3D (true) or 2D (false)
    • half - top or bottom, the half that must be clicked

GoalLookAtBlock(pos, world, options = {})

Path into a position were a blockface of block at pos is visible. Fourth argument is optional and contains extra options.

  • pos - Vec3 the block position to look at
  • world - the world of the bot (Can be accessed with
  • options - object containing all optionals properties:
    • reach - number maximum distance from the clicked face. Default 4.5
    • entityHeight - number Default is 1.6

GoalBreakBlock(x, y, z, bot, options)

Deprecated. Wrapper for GoalLookAtBlock. Use GoalLookAtBlock instead.


Pathfinding plugin that gives bot the ability to go from A to B

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%