irishquinn / authorizenet-payment-gateway-for-woocommerce Plugin Mirror

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=== Plugin Name === Payment Gateway For WooCommerce
Contributors: ishanverma
Donate link:
Tags: woocommerce,, payment gateway, woocommerce, woocommerce payment gateway
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 3.8.1
Stable tag: 1.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This Payment Gateway For WooCommerce extends the functionality of WooCommerce to accept payments from credit/debit cards using Gateway

== Description ==

<h3> Payment Gateway for WooCommerce</h3> makes your website ready to use payment gateway to accept credit/debit cards on your ecommerce store in safe way. is most widely used payment gateway to process payments online and accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and other variants of cards.
<h3>WooCommerce 2.1.1 Compatible</h3>
= Features =
Few features of this plugin:

1. No SSL required
2. No PCI required
3. Easy to install and configure
4. Option to configure success & failure message
5. Safe way to process credit cards and debit cards on WooCommerce using SIM
6. This plugin use hosted solution provided by and payment is processed on secured servers of
7. Now with Powerpay Payment Gateway Emulator Support. [PowerPay Emulator]( "Powerpay Emulator")

**Contact me for any Help you need to setup or need extra feature, just leave a comment** 
[Contact Ishan Verma]( "Contact for Help")

== Installation ==

Easy steps to install the plugin:

1. Upload `authorizenet-woocom-gateway` folder/directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Go to WooCommerce => Settings
4. On the "Settings" page, select "Payment Gateways" tab.
5. Under "Payment Gateways" you will find all the available gateways, select "" option
6. On this page you wil find option to configure the plugin for use with WooCommerce
7. Enter the API details (Login ID, Transaction Key)
8. Configurable elements:

Title: This will appear on checkout page as name for this payment gateway

Description: This will appear on checkout page as description for this payment gateway

Login ID: This is the Login ID provided by (Note: this not your User login ID for Merchant Account)

Transaction Key: This is Transaction Key provided by

Transaction Success Message: This message will appear upon successful transaction. You can customize this message as per your need.

Transaction Failed Message: This message will appear when transaction will get failed/declined at payment gateway.

API Mode: This option sets the mode of API. Test/Sandbox Mode is when you need to test the gateway using some test transations. Live Mode to be used to process real transaction and card will actually get charged for this.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is SSL Required to use this plugin? =
SSL is not required

== Screenshots ==

1. Activate Plugin.
2. Go to WooCommerce Settings.
3. Select Payment Gateways tab.
4. Select option.
5. Enable option from this page.
6. Enter the details.
7. Set gateway mode.
8. Sample screenshot from checkout page

== Changelog ==

= 2.0 =
* Compatible with woocommerce 2.1.1

= 1.0 =
* First Version

== Upgrade Notice ==
*No Upgrade Required

== Arbitrary section ==