Irineu333 / Irineu333

I and my projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

fun getAbout(): Developer {

    val name = "Irineu A. Silva"
    val contacts = mapOf(
        "email" to "",
        "linkedin" to "irineu333"

    val languages = mapOf(
        "Java" to "2019~Today, JDK 7 ~ 17",
        "Kotlin" to "2020~Today",
        "C/C++" to "basic"

    val frameworks = mapOf(
        "Spring Boot" to Framework(
            experience = "basic",
            architectures = listOf("MVC")
        "Android" to Framework(
            experience = "2019~Today, SDK 19 ~ 33",
            architectures = listOf("MVP", "MVVM", "Clean Architecture", "MVI"),
            ui = listOf("view/xml", "JetPack Compose")

    return Developer(name, contacts, languages, frameworks)

If you're looking for my projects, check out my serious projects.


I and my projects