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Using torch.overwrite.tensor.contents to overwrite input argument fails at runtime

aviator19941 opened this issue · comments

What happened?

The lowering comes from when we use index_copy_ to try to update an input argument's values. When trying to run the vmfb after compiling index_copy_repro.mlir, I get this error:

EXEC @test_index_copy
iree/runtime/src/iree/hal/command_buffer_validation.c:363: INVALID_ARGUMENT; source and target ranges overlap within the same buffer; while invoking native function hal.command_buffer.copy_buffer; while calling import; 
[ 2]   native hal.command_buffer.copy_buffer:0 -
[ 1] bytecode module.test_index_copy$async:1142 ../batch_llama_v4.mlir:2:3
[ 0] bytecode module.test_index_copy:66 ../batch_llama_v4.mlir:2:3; invoking function 'test_index_copy'

Steps to reproduce your issue

  1. Compile with:
    ../iree-build/tools/iree-compile --iree-input-type=torch --iree-vm-bytecode-module-output-format=flatbuffer-binary --iree-hal-target-backends=rocm --mlir-print-debuginfo --mlir-print-op-on-diagnostic=false --iree-hal-target-backends=rocm --iree-rocm-target-chip=gfx940 --iree-opt-const-eval=false --iree-rocm-bc-dir=/opt/rocm/amdgcn/bitcode --iree-opt-strip-assertions=true ../index_copy_repro.mlir -o index_copy_repro.vmfb
  2. Run with:
    ../iree-build/tools/iree-run-module --module=llama_v4.vmfb --device=rocm --function=test_index_copy --input=8192x16x8x128xf32 --input=4xi64 --input=4x16x8x128xf32 --output=@output.npy EXEC @test_index_copy
  3. Expected error output:
EXEC @test_index_copy
iree/runtime/src/iree/hal/command_buffer_validation.c:363: INVALID_ARGUMENT; source and target ranges overlap within the same buffer; while invoking native function hal.command_buffer.copy_buffer; while calling import; 
[ 2]   native hal.command_buffer.copy_buffer:0 -
[ 1] bytecode module.test_index_copy$async:1142 ../batch_llama_v4.mlir:2:3
[ 0] bytecode module.test_index_copy:66 ../batch_llama_v4.mlir:2:3; invoking function 'test_index_copy'

What component(s) does this issue relate to?


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I don't think this is going to work - we have memcpy semantics and such an operation requires memmove. You must ensure when using in-place operations on in-place calls that you aren't trying to do a memmove.

Oh, I might be hitting the same issue on nod-ai/sharktank#22 (comment) (among other things)

Probably something that's going to need to be identified/fixed in the frontend - we can't really support memmove in general and need to ensure we aren't generating programs that require it. Not only are there no memmove DMA primitives in hardware (there's no cuMemmove, or vkCmdMoveBuffer, etc) but ensuring all dispatches that we generate have memmove semantics when operating in place is not possible.

I only see one of these ops in the program I'm looking at. Trying to find where it's coming from... maybe this: ?

Probably - something @stellaraccident may have a pointer to/thoughts about - I'm not sure what the right solution is at that level. We can't do much in IREE as the only safe behavior is to silently insert copies for any externally-provided buffer and that defeats the purpose of the in-place ops. I'm not sure if analysis at the torch level could insert the copies, warn/error if they're required, or what :/

(this is one of the reasons we default to not doing in-place operations - they've got footguns :)

I think my eyes aren't calibrated right to see where this is becoming a move-like thing. Probably need some help figuring out how to structure it.

I don't know torch stuff (vtensor? what?), but maybe it's whatever to_vtensor is?
index_put ties operand 0 to its result so %0 is %2, assuming to_vtensor is not a forced copy %0 is %arg0, and the final overwrite aliases %2 to %arg0. so %arg0 == %0 == %2.

If to_vtensor must remain a clone and doesn't end up as a flow.tensor.clone then the above will happen. Even if it does become a clone maybe we're dropping it later and that's something we could fix locally but will be trickier in more complex programs to prove. A print-after-all would be useful.

Chatting with Ben, the repro is not strictly legal (it is returning a value that is in-placed). While we could support that form, it is presently a limitation. Also, I think it is a testing artifact. We should work on this case:

module @module {
  func.func @test_index_copy(%arg0: !torch.tensor<[8192,16,8,128],f32>, %arg1: !torch.vtensor<[4],si64>, %arg2: !torch.vtensor<[4,16,8,128],f32>) {
    %0 = torch.copy.to_vtensor %arg0 : !torch.vtensor<[8192,16,8,128],f32>
    %1 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %arg1 : (!torch.vtensor<[4],si64>) -> !torch.list<optional<vtensor>>
    %false = torch.constant.bool false
    %2 = torch.aten.index_put %0, %1, %arg2, %false : !torch.vtensor<[8192,16,8,128],f32>, !torch.list<optional<vtensor>>, !torch.vtensor<[4,16,8,128],f32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.vtensor<[8192,16,8,128],f32>
    torch.overwrite.tensor.contents %2 overwrites %arg0 : !torch.vtensor<[8192,16,8,128],f32>, !torch.tensor<[8192,16,8,128],f32>

notes to tomorrow me:

  • remove into from hal.tensor.export
  • add a hal.tensor.alias (or whatever) op: %tied = hal.tensor.alias %operand, %storage : tensor<..>, !hal.buffer_view -> %operand
  • change torch stuff to use that, drop optimization_barrier and hal.tensor.export
  • ensure emplace allocations uses the alias
  • error checking if two logical tensors (through tied ops) have an alias defined