irazasyed / telegram-bot-sdk

🤖 Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Lets you build Telegram Bots easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.

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Command class "App\Telegram\Commands\StartCommand" should be an instance of "Telegram\Bot\Commands\CommandInterface"

alvinmr opened this issue · comments

i haven't done anything, just try to set my webhook or trying to send message it show this error

PHP version


irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk version


Laravel version (if any)


Code To Reproduce the bug


namespace App\Telegram\Commands;

use Telegram\Bot\Actions;
use Telegram\Bot\Commands\Command;

class StartCommand extends Command
     * @var string Command Name
    protected $name = "start";

     * @var string Command Description
    protected $description = "Start Command to get you started";

     * @inheritdoc
    public function handle()
        // This will send a message using `sendMessage` method behind the scenes to
        // the user/chat id who triggered this command.
        // `replyWith<Message|Photo|Audio|Video|Voice|Document|Sticker|Location|ChatAction>()` all the available methods are dynamically
        // handled when you replace `send<Method>` with `replyWith` and use the same parameters - except chat_id does NOT need to be included in the array.
        $this->replyWithMessage(['text' => 'Hello! Welcome to our bot, Here are our available commands:']);

        // This will update the chat status to typing...
        $this->replyWithChatAction(['action' => Actions::TYPING]);

        // This will prepare a list of available commands and send the user.
        // First, Get an array of all registered commands
        // They'll be in 'command-name' => 'Command Handler Class' format.
        $commands = $this->getTelegram()->getCommands();

        // Build the list
        $response = '';
        foreach ($commands as $name => $command) {
            $response .= sprintf('/%s - %s' . PHP_EOL, $name, $command->getDescription());

        // Reply with the commands list
        $this->replyWithMessage(['text' => $response]);

        // Trigger another command dynamically from within this command
        // When you want to chain multiple commands within one or process the request further.
        // The method supports second parameter arguments which you can optionally pass, By default
        // it'll pass the same arguments that are received for this command originally.

Error stacktrace (if any)

No response

nevermind, just add variable type on that $name and $description with string. its fix this